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The New York Times is having a bit of a meltdown over two kids’ shows that portray fathers as strong family leaders. See, in a liberal’s mind, this is a bad thing. It seems if you’re not a dad who’s gay, in prison, or completely henpecked, then you’re labeled as too toxic for words. Among other things, this also reflects the left’s effort to feminize the American man, pushing for his emasculation into complete submission. Thankfully, these two new shows are fighting back against this narrative, and it’s clearly resonating with the American public. How refreshing it is to have shows targeting kids that aren’t trying to change their gender or “groom” them into the LGBTQ army.

So, what are the two shows that have the NYT so bothered? One of them is from the folks at the Daily Wire. They have created a new entertainment experience for kids called Bentkey.

Daily Wire:

Introducing Bentkey, an entirely new company from The Daily Wire, a company dedicated to creating the next generation of timeless stories that transport kids into a world of adventure, imagination and joy.

Why the name Bentkey? Why not D.W. kids, as we’ve been calling the initiative for the last year? Well, put simply: D.W. Kids is just too political. Bentkey isn’t about teaching kids politics. It’s about childhood and wonder and adventure. It’s about values and all of the things on which politics are built later.

We didn’t just come up with a new name, though. We built an entirely new app that’s available on all the most popular devices. There are over 150 episodes available right now today on the app, and there will be new episodes released every single Saturday morning. That’s right, we’re bringing back Saturday morning cartoons. Here’s a preview:

The Daily Wire’s show is called “Chip Chilla,” and the other show vexing the NYT is an Australian show called “Bluey.” The NYT really doesn’t like how “boundlessly present” the fathers are portrayed in these kids’ shows. God forbid there’s a strong dad around to stop radical moms from grooming the kids and lopping off their private parts, right?


Here’s what Jeremy Boreing, the co-founder of Daily Wire and Bentkey, had to say in response to the New York Times absurd attack:

There are two kids shows that stand out to the @nytimes as problematic: Bentkey’s Chip Chilla and Bluey. And what’s so problematic? “Weirdly present” fathers.

Both fathers are derided as a “fantasy” for being so active and engaged with their children but, according to NYT, Chip Chilla is the far more offensive of the two because Chum Chum teaches “lessons about dead white people” (read: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Neil Armstrong, etc.) and leads his kids in fun games and lessons as a way of establishing “male authority.”

Chip Chilla is the most popular show on our new Bentkey platform, and Bluey is the most popular children’s show period. It’s no coincidence that two shows that feature loving and engaged nuclear families with great values who actually enjoy being together are so popular.

And it’s no coincidence that the cultural gatekeepers at the NYT have them both in their crosshairs.

The left not only wants to add its radical agenda to kids entertainment, they want to remove good values from kids entertainment.

Our culture has fallen so far and at times it might seem hopeless. Bentkey isn’t anywhere near the level of size and influence of the NYTs and Disneys of the world, but we created it because we have hope and believe our best days are ahead of us, and that the only way we can take back the culture from the left is by building something better.

It’s easy to see why the New York Times and the left are so incredibly bothered by these two wholesome kids’ shows—they’re reacting negatively because these cartoons depict stable and healthy families, which seems to be something the left wants to avoid like the plague. Additionally, the show from the Daily Wire highlights positive aspects of United States history, another big “no-no” for left-wing Marxists.

Hopefully, these shows can spread positivity to normal American families who are feeling attacked by this regime and the entire progressive apparatus.