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A horrific story came to light in Michigan involving a mother who committed unthinkable acts of abuse, torture, and starvation against her disabled 15-year-old son, leading to his death. Thankfully, justice prevailed in this highly disturbing case, and she was found guilty, but her antics on the witness stand were nothing short of theatrical and phony.

WZZM 13:

On Thursday, Vander Ark took the stand and was questioned by the defense and prosecution for over three hours.

During the questioning, Vander Ark claimed that she didn’t remember a lot of the details of the days, weeks and months leading up to Timothy’s death.

It is alleged that Vander Ark and her other 20-year-old son Paul Ferguson participated in the abuse against Timothy.

Court documents of text messages between Vander Ark and Paul highlight conversations about different forms of punishment used against Timothy including feeding him hot sauce, giving him ice baths and forcing him to stand against the wall for hours.

Vander Ark’s attorney tried to present her client as a hardworking and educated mother who was doing her best as a parent but the chief prosecutor continually asked questions about how she would treat Timothy, especially in comparison to her other children.

Factors that were brought up included security cameras all throughout the house, and locks on the refrigerator and pantry so that Timothy couldn’t sneak food despite the fact that he was severely malnourished.

The mother testified that she purchased hot sauce online as a way to “punish” her son for misbehaving and keeping the family awake at night.

A text message exchange between the mother and her older son, Paul, revealed her questioning whether they should drop the hot sauce on the young boy’s genitals. ‘I wonder how it would feel to have that hot sauce on your private parts. I’m not saying touch him there, not at all, but dripping a little bit there, is that horrible,’ she asked.

It’s unfathomable to think of a mother behaving this way, yet we live in a very twisted world. Her defense attorney claimed she was oblivious to the harm she was inflicting on her son and was unaware of his starvation. Total nonsense. It’s clear she despised her son and was out to cause him as much pain and suffering as she possibly could.

During testimony, the mother put on a dramatic show by physically vomiting when she was shown photos of her son’s severely emaciated body, taken just hours before his tragic death—that she caused.

Here’s the take from Collin Rugg, co-founder of Trending Politics, on the clip featuring the monstrous mother’s vomiting on the witness stand:

NEW: Mother who starved her disabled 15-year-old son to death barfs on stand after she was showed photos of his starved body just hours before he died.

There is a special place in h*ll for people like this

Shanda Vander Ark tortured her own son by making him take four hour long ice baths, forcing him to eat hot sauce, forcing him to stay away, shackling him with zip ties and making him sleep in a closet.

An autopsy report found that the disabled boy, Timothy, died of malnourishment and hypothermia. He weighed only 69 pounds.

After barfing on stand, Arkjury was found guilty of murder and child abuse and faces mandatory life in prison.

Paul, who testified against his mother, is also facing one count of first-degree child abuse for assisting with the crimes.

This woman is nothing short of a real-life demon. The audacity she displayed by “vomiting” at the sight of her starved son’s photos is appalling, especially considering she is the one responsible for his deplorable state and long, agonizing death. She wasn’t vomiting every day while she slowly murdered him, right? If anyone ever deserved the death penalty, it’s this wretched ghoul.