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Piers Morgan is, without a doubt, one of the biggest grifters around. He hosts a show called “Uncensored” and creates the illusion of being a fearless truth-teller while simultaneously advocating for censorship. It’s quite a lucrative gig for Piers, allowing him to maintain the facade of a rebel while operating like a tyrannical Gestapo. A prime example of this is his recent rant in The New York Post, where Mr. “Uncensored” went off on a tirade about Elon Musk’s decision to bring Alex Jones back to his platform, despite Alex not being involved in any criminal activities whatsoever.

Does this look like the behavior of an “uncensored” free speech warrior to you?

No. It looks like full-blown censorship, because that’s exactly what it is.

The New York Post:

Frankly, it’s hard to imagine a more egregious example of what should not qualify as free speech than Jones waging a relentless campaign of deliberate lies about the Sandy Hook school massacre, branding it a hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration to enforce new gun control laws and exposing the victims’ grieving families to horrendous threats and harassment by saying they were actors hired to take part in the conspiracy.

The consequences of Jones’ sickening diatribes, which earned him hundreds of millions of dollars, were so appalling, they eventually led to many of the distraught families suing Jones for defamation and being awarded more than $1 billion in damages after several court cases.

Liberals appear to struggle with the concept that there’s no such thing as “hate speech.” Maybe someone should enlighten Piers, as it seems this jolly ol’ Brit is a bit confused about how free speech should legally operate in the United States.


Mind you, Piers Morgan also has his own scandal related to Sandy Hook. This censorship-crazy Brit chose to stand on the graves of dead children to promote his far-left, totalitarian “gun control” agenda in a foreign country. He didn’t seem to care whose feelings he might have hurt, as long as he could exploit children’s deaths for political gain. What a great guy…

Again, the true irony in all of this is how shameless this man is, hosting a show called “Uncensored” while he runs around attempting to censor people based on “feelings” rather than laws. That’s the genuine definition of a tyrannical mastermind.

Perhaps Piers should stay in England, where so-called “hate speech” laws are gleefully enforced. Also, it might be time to change his schoolmarmish show’s name to “Censored.”