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If you’ve donated to the RNC, you might be interested to know that your contributions likely funded Rona McDaniel’s hair care, dry cleaning, and limousine services, among other assorted luxuries that have absolutely nothing to do with winning political races.

A viral post, based on the latest RNC financials, has sparked fury among Republican voters. Jennifer Van Laar, an investigative reporter at Red State, broke the story in a thread on X:

As I go through @GOP’s financials since my exclusive report last year… @GOPChairwoman why are you still spending so much on limo services? We’ve only got $7 million on hand, yet you spent $256,635 on limos since 10/21/22???


And about those floral arrangements – these are NOT marked as being part of any fundraiser events. Just floral arrangements. More than $70,000. WHY?


And let’s get to your DRY CLEANING. You are very well-paid. So why are donors paying for your dry cleaning? $8,750.


And then we have “Media Preparation” a/k/a doing your hair and makeup for TV or events. Many of us do our own because we can’t afford hair & makeup artists and our employers don’t pay for it. Or, people PAY THEIR OWN. (Novel idea.) $22,389. So we’re up to $30k for you, tax free!


This is just the tip of the iceberg; Jennifer reveals a lot more. We encourage you to read her entire thread here.

Also, you can read Jennifer’s article from last year here.

Sadly, this shouldn’t surprise anybody who’s been paying attention to the grand transformation of Queen Ronna. She’s had quite a makeover.

Republicans are understandably livid about this wasteful spending, particularly since Ronna McDaniel is currently using funds and resources to orchestrate a non-existent “primary” contest. She’s organizing debates and perpetuating the absurd notion that someone other than President Trump has a shot at the nomination.

They don’t.

Here’s a piece of advice: donate directly to the candidate you wish to support. This way, you can avoid sending your hard-earned money to the RNC, where it might be used by Ronna to rent a limo for her next hair appointment.