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If you’ve been keeping up with recent events, you’ve probably heard about the ‘Taylor Swift Effect’ in relation to the 2024 election. Essentially, this term suggests that Taylor Swift, a global sensation thanks to the immense success of her Eras Tour, is poised to become a powerful political asset for the left. The idea is that she could significantly boost young women’s voter turnout for the Democrats—at least, that’s what they’re hoping for. This notion gains credibility from Taylor’s past dive into politics, when she showed her political colors and endorsed Marsha Blackburn’s opponent (who eventually lost). It’s no surprise that she’s seen as an ally of the left. Taylor is already starting to wade into the political waters, although she hasn’t started talking about “endorsements”… yet.


When Taylor Swift speaks, her fans listen.

On Tuesday morning, the singer posted a short message on Instagram encouraging her 272 million followers to register to vote. Afterward, the website she directed her fans to — the nonpartisan nonprofit Vote.org — recorded more than 35,000 registrations, according to the organization.

“I’ve been so lucky to see so many of you guys at my U.S. shows recently. I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!” Her post included a link to register at Vote.org.

Will Taylor harness her tremendous influence and fully dive into politics for the 2024 election season? Many, including Human Events editor Jack Posobiec, firmly believe so. It’s seen as inevitable, and it’s just a matter of when it will happen. After all, Taylor was already recognized as a co-founder of the disastrous #MeToo movement.

The timing couldn’t be better for Democrats, especially since TIME Magazine recently crowned Taylor as their 2023 “Person of the Year.” Building on that, independent journalist Rogan O’Handley shared Jack’s sentiments in a since-deleted post and believes that Taylor is being leveraged to promote the left’s “woke” agenda to millions of young, impressionable women, and thinks it’s only going to get worse as we get closer to 2024.


Are some of Taylor’s songs catchy and is she massively influential amongst tens of millions of women?


Is she being used by powerful media magnates to push a Woke agenda on America?

Also yes

Both can be true at the same time and she’s just getting started in the Democrat political arena

And, of course, Fox News has joined the chorus, championing Taylor as if she’s the “feel-good” story America is craving right now—the “savior” of the moment. They’re adding to the fairy tale narrative that the left is crafting around the popular singer, with hopes that she might pivot into politics at precisely the right moment.

Leave it to Fox to do the left’s dirty work, and try to build Taylor up even more.

One thing remains clear over the decades: when TIME’s “Person of the Year” shifts from scientists and other accomplished individuals to celebrities and crummy politicians, it signals that our country is on the wrong track. Now, the question remains: could this TIME cover mark the unofficial beginning of the “Taylor Swift Effect,” or will the popular singer stick to voter registration and refrain from diving any deeper into politics? What are your thoughts, and if she does become more political, do you believe it could have an impact on the 2024 elections?