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Media Matters seems to be taking a page from the playbook of hatemongers like the ADL as they collaborate with woke corporate America in an effort to undermine X by significantly impacting their advertising revenue. It’s worth mentioning that Media Matters may soon find themselves in a situation much like the ADL, which backed down when Elon Musk threatened legal action against them. Media Matters is essentially continuing where the ADL left off, and once again, Elon is raising the prospect of legal action.


Elon Musk’s social media company X filed a lawsuit against liberal advocacy group Media Matters for America on Monday, saying it manufactured a report to show advertisers’ posts alongside neo-Nazi and white nationalist posts in order to “drive advertisers from the platform and destroy X Corp.”

Media Matters, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, called the lawsuit “frivolous.”

Advertisers have been fleeing the site formerly known as Twitter over concerns about their ads showing up next to pro-Nazi content — and hate speech on the site in general — while billionaire owner Musk has inflamed tensions with his own posts endorsing an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

IBM, NBCUniversal and its parent company Comcast said last week that they stopped advertising on X after the Media Matters report said their ads were appearing alongside material praising Nazis. It was a fresh setback as the platform tries to win back big brands and their ad dollars, X’s main source of revenue.

Media Matters vehemently denies any collusion or intent to dismantle X because Elon declared his withdrawal of support for the divisive Democrats and thwarted the Biden regime’s attempts to silence conservatives. However, Elon had already predicted this outcome many months ago.

In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold …

Nevertheless, Media Matters claims that their goal is to combat the spreading of hate, which is why they’re focusing on X. If that claim is actually true, Media Matters will be thrilled to learn that TikTok and Instagram are spewing a significantly higher volume of alleged “anti-Semitic” hate compared to X.

In fact, investment expert Anthony Goldbloom has shared the data and provided details in a post on X. Here’s what he had to say:

A new survey suggests TikTok is a meaningful driver of a surge in antisemitism. #TikToxic Spending at least 30 minutes a day on TikTok increases the chances a respondent holds antisemitic or anti-Israel views by 17% (compared with 6% for Instagram and 2% for X).

TikTok users are more likely to believe Jewish people are dishonest in business, are disloyal to America, and have too much power in the media. They are also more likely to disagree that Israel has a right to defend itself against those who want to destroy it.

This is not surprising when you consider that for every view of a TikTok video with a pro-Israel hashtag in the US, there are 54 views of videos with pro-Palestinian hashtags. In fact, FreePalestine is currently one of the top-performing hashtags across all of TikTok.

This ratio differs from opinion polls, which show sentiment among Americans aged 18-24 split roughly equally between Israel and the Palestinians. TikTok does not merely reflect pre-existing sentiment—it is shaping views, creating a dangerous environment for Jews.

All of this matters, TikTok has tremendous reach. This chart benchmarks views of pro-Palestinian videos in the US against visits to the 10 mainstream news sites. It’s no wonder there’s been a 10x increase in antisemitic incidents on college campuses compared with a year ago.

In the past, TikTok has taken action on WhiteLivesMatter, AllLivesMatter, LetterToAmerica. There are a series of hashtags (starting with FreePalestine) that, like WhiteLivesMatter, sound innocuous but are endangering young Jews. Those hashtags should go.

Check out that chart:

Well, it seems like Media Matters is barking up the wrong tree when it comes to their so-called pursuit of hate. Perhaps someone can deliver this data to their leadership so they can quickly change course, but sadly, we all know that their true motive has nothing to do with combating “hate.” Instead, they’re only interested in targeting Elon Musk for opposing the regime. Fortunately, Elon will likely be able to leverage this data in his lawsuit, potentially leading to the downfall of Media Matters once and for all.