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Have you ever watched the TV show “The Walking Dead”? Get ready, because something even scarier is heading towards the US border right now. It’s shaping up to be more terrifying and potentially more dangerous than a horde of brain-eating zombies.

This latest “caravan” of illegal migrants is the biggest one yet, and they’re heading towards a town near you, 15 thousand strong, and the head of the group says they won’t stop until they reach the US.

Chances are this group will be put up in plush hotels by the Biden administration and receive taxpayer-funded healthcare for life. Meanwhile, according to Breitbart, every year an estimated 2000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens, yet we continue to allow this tsunami of criminals to flow into our country.

Actually, Congressman Jeff Van Drew, a former Democrat, recently made an appearance on Fox News where he lambasted Joe Biden’s handling of the border disaster. Van Drew revealed that the number of illegal immigrants entering the US under Biden’s failed regime has surpassed the entire population of New Jersey. Remember, New Jersey is one of our most populated states.

The Biden regime seems hell-bent on modeling the US after South Africa, a country that once flourished but has since plummeted into poverty and despair. This decline is due to a government run on Critical Race Theory, one that idolizes criminals and targets law-abiding white citizens. This situation might sound familiar because it appears we’re following the same playbook. But why? Well, it’s much easier to control a nation when its people are demoralized and desperate. A strong, stable country can’t be easily reshaped. First, it needs to be brought to its knees before it can be rebuilt in a new “global” image.