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A well-known X account that goes by the handle “Aristos Revenge” recently posted some truly thought-provoking content about the alarming issue of United States military suicides. Unfortunately, it does appear that such cases have become all too frequent lately. Suicide rates among the military have reached an unprecedented high.


Suicide rates among active-duty military members are currently at an all-time high since record-keeping began after 9/11 and have been increasing over the past five years at an alarmingly steady pace. In fact, some branches of the Armed Forces are experiencing the highest rate of suicides since before World War II.

In 2021, research found that 30,177 active duty personnel and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 have died by suicide – compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same 20 years. That is, military suicide rates are four times higher than deaths that occurred during military operations. For military families and parents, whose active duty loved one already sacrifices so much to protect our freedom, this trend is extremely troubling.

Several causes can lead a person to die by suicide, but for active-duty people who serve, there’s an additional layer of potential stressors on top of the regular ups-and-downs of life that puts them at risk.

While the prevailing belief is that the horrors of war and the strain of combat are the primary factors behind most military men resorting to suicide, Aristos_Revenge presents a different perspective. Without diminishing the significance of wartime stressors, he theorizes that the substantial increase in suicide rates may, in fact, be attributed to women.

Interesting, let’s dive in:

I have a feeling, regarding the suicide rates in the Military. I think a lot of it has to do with women, and a lot of it has to do with the same destruction of decision making power for people in front line management positions in particular, that seems to infest all of the US now.

I enlisted in 2007, and at that time it was still normal to hear the joke that every good SNCO had a DUI under their belt. This was actually often true, that the best SNCO’s often had some kind of character building discipline in their youth, shaping up after a letter of reprimand or an article 15.

The idea was that if someone got into a lot of trouble and was young, or generally not a shitbag, it was worthwhile to *invest in them* learning a valuable lesson about character from it. In todays military there’s just this sort of zero tolerance where the type of event that results in an LoR or an Article 15 is a career ender.

This ends up destroying one of the main lifestyle appeals of the military to young men(the idea that the military is a bit rowdy), one of the best teachers of young men(consequences for their actions), and ultimately cultivates a type of cautious beta male worldview that chases the “meta” of how to have the perfect bullets in their performance report and look great *on paper* above all else.

Another problem is that in a particular unit, even if you have several women who can pull their weight and do the right thing, it only takes one woman saying she is uncomfortable to force commanders to bend to their will. No one in the military is brave enough to tell a woman to put her big girl panties on and just deal with it, with regards to anything that offends their sensitivities, no matter how benign it may be. One can imagine what this results in with progressives and the way they can make massive mental leaps regarding what is offensive.

And as colleges have gone more and more towards this insane indoctrination, so have the officer corps. And officer recruits reflect that. More and more of them are sociopathic progressive white women, and its making much of the military machine that isn’t at the very tip of the spear develop an atmosphere of HR mammy safetyism. These are the same people who try to green light drag queen shows on military bases (thankfully shot down due to mass outrage at Nellis) or stupid ass events like “Ruck Racism” (I’m not joking)

For the type of young man that is still the massive majority of military recruits, this is a soul destroying environment. Women also often handle authority differently, and in a more insecure way. While I have had women of higher ranks in the military that were great, I have also seen with more regularity a sort of neurotic personality that likes to stomp on male troops so *they* can “feel in charge”.

I don’t know if this is how women treat each other in their own groups, but I’ve had a lot of interactions with that type of personality and also listened to many an anecdote. “Girlbosses” can’t just be in charge and do the job, because they are often unable to ever be held accountable for their own bad judgement when it occurs, but they also can’t allow anyone under them to have more charisma than them.

The active duty suicide problem in the military doesn’t seem to largely lie with combat veterans, or even with the combat arms career fields. It’s not the shellshocked infantryman who’s experienced combat who is shooting himself.

It’s the intelligence troop doing 12 hour shifts every day at a DGS in some shithole part of the US analyzing aerial/satellite photography.

An interesting take. The entire post is worth a read. Please click here to access all of the information.

But remember, no matter the reason, we must fight to put America first because our people need us.

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God bless our troops.