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Here’s a thought-provoking question that’s bound to stir up some debate today: Are Christian groups helping Joe Biden flood the US-Mexico border? It’s an uncomfortable notion, but it’s important that we not only ask this question but also dig into it. A great starting point is a detailed thread on this topic posted on X. The user who brilliantly researched and eloquently presented these findings is known by the name “russiancosmist.” He argues that numerous Christian organizations are operating to undermine America (and the West) through refugee resettlement and mass migration programs, and he says he’s got the evidence to prove it. Let’s delve into what this gentleman has uncovered:

Lets talk about the Christian organizations that exist to subvert America (and the West) via refugee resettlement and mass migration programs. There’s no rhyme or reason to this thread other than what I discover as I research this in the next hour. Strap in.

First up we have the MCC. The Mennonite Central Committee. An extremely pernicious group that exists more or less solely to flood NA with third world immigrants. Here is a sampling. Here is their board in both CA and USA: Anti-white Christian Organization.



Here’s a sampling of the sort of activities that the MCC is involved in:

Next up we have the LIRS. In the next posts we will take a look at their board of directors and their immigration/refugee/anti-white advocacy.

Here is the LIRS board of directors:

Here’s what the LIRS does; lets dig a bit deeper and look into funding, activies, etc.:


Here is their full service package – from welcoming “refugees” at the airport to furnishing their apartments. Its a full meal deal. St. Barts all inclusive would be jealous.

The list of organizations and the amount of information he uncovered are extensive. We encourage you to read the entire thread here.

Honestly, do we actually know what groups are behind these massive caravans illegally entering the US? We’ve assumed they’re all left-wing, but could there be more to the story? We also looked into this and found there are Christian groups all over the world who are deeply passionate about funding mass migration.


“If the Kingdom of God is like a banquet then you’ll find asylum seekers in the VIP section, next to the widows and the orphans.” That’s the view that Daniel Jones, our Chief Generosity Officer, takes as he explores what a generous response to asylum seekers and refugees should look like in the life of a Christian.

Refugees and asylum seekers are people that have been displaced from their home and forced to flee from war, famine or persecution. Scripture reminds us that we are all strangers or foreigners on Earth (1 Peter 1:7) and we know what it is to be welcomed by grace to a home in Christ.

Around the world there are many Christian charities and mission organisations that work to meet the physical and the spiritual needs of these people. This work is an extension of what Christ has already done for the church, by embracing us, who were once strangers and foreigners.

In the UK alone there were 74,751 asylum applications made last year and this is likely to increase this year. The church has a biblical mandate to offer hospitality and to continue to ‘welcome the stranger’ (Matthew 25:35).

Here’s a mention of some other prominent Christian groups that are also engaged in migrant resettlement programs:

  • Welcome Churches

  • Sanctuary Foundation

  • Help The Persecuted


Moved by the plight of thousands of refugees, three churches in Taunton set up the CHARIS charity and applied to the Home Office to become a Community Sponsor.  They received their first family in July 2017 and have since then resettled many more families within their community.  They are passionate about bringing hope and transforming the lives of refugees, one family at a time.

  • Samaritan’s Purse

Countless families worldwide have made the difficult choice to leave their homes in the midst of famine, drought, conflict, or economic collapse. In places like Niger, Jordan, South Sudan, Turkey, and Uganda, multitudes have been uprooted and are struggling to obtain the most basic of necessities, like medical care, shelter, and food. Samaritan’s Purse helps with many different aspects of refugee week, recently they hosted a special “Olympic Day” in March for displaced children with disabilities and their families in Syria.

“Often they are stigmatised, just forgotten,” said Sarah Nowery, a Samaritan’s Purse information officer in the region. “This was a whole day just filled with fun and focused on them. The parents might have been the only ones happier than the children! They were so blessed to see their little ones having such a wonderful day.” This festive day was a refreshing change for these children who deal with a variety of physical and cognitive disabilities. Life in the camps is hard for anyone, but their situation often leads to isolation, neglect, and bullying.

  • Medair

Medair is a humanitarian aid organisation inspired by Christian faith to bring emergency relief to the world’s most devastated and hardest to reach communities. One of their key areas of focus right now is reaching out to Sudan in crisis.

Christianity and migrant resettlement often seem to go hand-in-hand. While many have already recognized this connection, it appears a significant number of people haven’t been paying close attention to it. The list of these organizations is rather extensive. Many of these Christian groups receive funding from, unsurprisingly, Christians. So, it seems we’re inadvertently financing our own demise. Rather than aiding these individuals to remain and prosper in their own countries, we’re pouring billions into resettling them in Western nations, including right here in the US. This is placing a strain on our country and its citizens. Maybe it’s time to reconsider our support for these groups, at least until they pledge not to contribute to the influx of migrants into Western countries.