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Let’s face it, it’s no secret that Joe Biden’s cognitive state is in shambles. The man can’t find his way off a 6-foot stage without a team of aides helping him, and unfortunately, the situation appears to be getting worse as the depressing days drag on.

For a long time, the propaganda media and the entire US government seemed intent on convincing Americans that Biden was perfectly fine. They offered absurd explanations for his brain meltdowns, suggesting that his constant mistakes, slurred speech, and blunders were due to a “childhood stutter.” It’s worth noting that Revolver exposed the childhood stutter narrative as a bunch of hooey.

RELATED: I Listened to 43 HOURS of Joe Biden Clips From 1986-2018 Looking for His “Childhood Stutter”

The fake news media initially portrayed Joe as cognitively sound, claiming the right was making a fuss over nothing. However, as things in Joe’s mushy brain deteriorated significantly, the media could no longer cover for him, so they threw up their hands and let the chips fall where they might.

That’s why the story we’re about to share might not come as a big surprise, but it’s nonetheless deeply disturbing. During a recent collaboration between Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, the two men discussed the insider information they had received concerning Biden’s health. Alex mentioned that his sources had informed him that Biden roams around the White House, naked and unaware of his surroundings. Tucker, on the other hand, mentioned that his sources suggested Biden is heavily medicated with amphetamines just to enable him to “somewhat” perform his presidential duties.

It seems about right.

For the full interview, see below:


The fact that Joe walks around in the nude isn’t really surprising. After all, this is the same creep who would frequently parade in front of female Secret Service agents in the buff. It’s truly repugnant, but very “on brand” for Biden.

US News:

Vice President Joe Biden enjoys swimming without a bathing suit, a new book claims.
Biden, who’s flirting with a run for president in 2016, gives Secret Service agents an eyeful both at his Delaware home and at the vice president’s official residence in Washington, D.C., according to “The First Family Detail” by Ronald Kessler.

The book relies on named and unnamed sources to describe life guarding prominent politicians including Biden, former President Ronald Reagan, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.

“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

The real tragedy here is that this clearly ailing and brain-dead crook was installed as the so-called leader of the greatest country in the world. Due to his incompetence and the wickedness of his regime, the American people and this nation are rapidly declining, and it’s happening so fast that it’s hard to keep up.