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A brutally savage and racially motivated hate crime occurred just outside a Las Vegas school, where 15 diverse teens beat Jonathan Lewis, a white teenager, to death.

Please be warned, this video is disturbing and can be seen here.

The incident is causing widespread anger, especially as the media seems to be going out of its way to protect the assailants by omitting any mention of race. What’s clear is that this murder happened outside a high school in Las Vegas, and the young white victim was tragically overpowered by the violent, merciless mob. The family has also provided some context for this story via their GoFundMe page.


Jonathan was standing up for his smaller friend like a true hero, and that’s how this story should be reported: A white kid stands up to black bullies and is savagely murdered by a violent diverse mob. But, of course, that’s not what’s happening. What’s truly disheartening is how the media is covering this brutal, racist murder of a “some teen” by “some people” as though skin color played no part in the crime whatsoever. They purposely left out any mention of the victim’s race or the race of the suspects. Sadly, the media is in the business of protecting and covering up for diverse thugs at all costs. Now, ask yourself this: would the reporting be the same if the races were reversed? What if fifteen white guys beat a black teen to death? Do you think the media would mention race then? That’s a rhetorical question, because sadly, we already know the answer.

8 News Now:

A teenage boy has died days after he was found severely beaten by more than a dozen people near a Las Vegas high school, according to his father.

The attack happened on Wednesday, Nov. 1 in the 1900 block of Searles Avenue near Rancho High School.

The boy’s father, Jonathan Lewis spoke to 8 News Now on Thursday and described the incident as a savage crime.

Jonathan Lewis told 8 News Now his 17-year-old son was the one who was beaten up by 15 people and confirmed that he died on Tuesday as a result of the injuries.

Lewis added that his son – who is also called Jonathan Lewis – kept to himself and had plans to move to Austin, Texas with him.

He also expressed disgust and disappointment at the fight that killed his 17-year-old child.

Not once did the article mention “race”—a  glaring omission. Thankfully, many Americans aren’t stupid. They’re quite aware of what the media is up to. Here’s what people are saying in the comments section of that pathetic “some people” post from 8 News Now:

“What do you mean by “people”?!”

“Let me fix this: A white teen was beaten to death by more than a dozen black teens near a Las Vegas high school.”

“You should hang your head in shame for writing this story. A young white boy is dead because he was brutally beaten by at least a dozen black teens. Stop covering up hate crimes! Report the truth no matter who does the crime.”

“Whoa whoa whoa, you buried the lede.”

“A white boy dies as he was beaten to death by 15 black boys!! Say his name ! White lives matter”

“15 Black kids killed one white kid. Why is that so hard to say?”

That last comment hits the mark. The truth seems to be incredibly difficult for our media to acknowledge and report on. This is why they function only as a shameless propaganda arm for the regime. It’s basically state-run media, like you’d see in North Korea, Russia, or China.

In addition, that poor father should have been loudly declaring “racism,” demanding an investigation into the “hate crime,” and calling for genuine justice for his son. Did reporters leave out that crucial aspect from their story, or perhaps this poor dad is another guilt-ridden white man who thinks his role is to placate black-on-white murderers, even when it involves his own flesh and blood?