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Vivek is the one guy who freely gives President Trump his due, and while it may not be the smartest “winning strategy” for the White House, it’s a great loyalty move and one that could serve him well in a Trump 2024 administration. However, beyond simply complimenting President Trump, Vivek is also an outsider who truly “gets it.” He possesses a keen understanding of the issues and their impact on Trump voters. Furthermore, he sees through the GOP’s facade and recognizes that they don’t represent the America First faction of the party. Instead, they are nothing more than uni-party stooges and cowards, toeing the line for the regime.

Vivek once again demonstrated his profound understanding of the issues we face during a thought-provoking interview with Tom Klingenstein. As one astute conservative pointed out, the absolute minimum requirement for every GOP candidate or lawmaker should be a full comprehension of the ideological battle we’re engaged in with the left and their intent to dismantle everything we hold dear.

Here’s a closeup of the interview image:


And here’s another excerpt from the full interview, which we’ve linked below so you can read the whole thing.

Tom Klingenstein:

TK: Good. We’ve settled that. Let’s turn to what I think is the crucial distinction between you and your competitors: you think we are in a war and your competitors do not. Most of your competitors would probably say that we’re in a period of unusual division, but not war.

VR: We are absolutely in a war with the fate of the country at stake. And you had better know it. You know you are in a war when there is no middle ground, no room to compromise. Either you believe in free speech, or you believe in censorship. You can’t have both. Either you believe in a meritocracy, or you believe in group quotas. You can’t have both. Either you believe in the founding ideals of this country or you believe America is systemically racist. Either you think it’s an honor to fly the flag or you are embarrassed to fly it. You can’t have it both ways. If you think America is systemically racist, you hate America. If you think America’s founding principles are the world’s greatest remedy for racism, you love America. These differences are simply too large to bridge. This is what makes it a war. If you don’t recognize that you are in a war, then you will negotiate with the other side, but that will only lead ultimately to surrender.

And if we lose this war, we will have full-fledged tyranny. You see, if people are free, then there will be group differences in outcomes because often groups have different preferences and talents. The only way you can make groups equal in terms of outcome is by force.

Those who hate America are in power practically everywhere. In effect, the woke regime is a hostile occupying power not so different than Germany when it occupied France during WWII. Now, we need someone to lead the resistance.

TK: Does anyone else see that we are in a war?

VK: Trump. He knows we are up against an enemy that doesn’t want to improve America but destroy it. I give Trump a lot of credit for this. In a war you must have clarity, you can’t be beating around the bush.

TK: Why don’t your other competitors for the nomination see what you and Trump see, that we are in a war? The same question could be asked about Republican leadership generally.

VR: Because they are stuck in the past, stuck in old ways of thinking. What they think they see is that we’re going through one of the ups and downs that America has gone through time and again but has always found its way through. They can’t imagine that this time she may well not. They fight over tax or welfare reform. This is the same fight that Republicans and Democrats have been having for all of modern American history. But this is not the fight today.

They are all establishment politicians, so they tend to follow the crowd and they want to be liked by the establishment; they want to be interviewed by mainstream media and invited to establishment think tank events. So, for example, they are unwilling to say BLM is a racist organization—which is exactly what it is—because they don’t want to be called “racists.” Every Republican who does not criticize BLM is part of the problem. BLM received billions of dollars from cowardly corporations. How many lives did BLM save? Approximately zero. It was all a scam. CEO’s were forced to bend the knee. But I refused to do so. And it’s the same with ESG which is all the rage. Here too, I refused to go along.

But there’s another more important reason why Republican leaders shrink from acknowledging that we are at war. Like most people, political leaders have a strong inclination to delude themselves rather than face harsh truths. I think if we don’t face these truths, we will lose our country.

TK: Are you saying you opponents are cowards?

VR: Yes. Which is why they have their heads in the sand.

TK: What exactly are they afraid of?

VR: Being called “racists.” But no one can be an effective leader in our time who is cowed by this phony charge.

Vivek hit the nail on the head; the GOP is full of cowards. Unfortunately, many right-wing voters are as well. Until we break free from these misplaced chains of virtue that bind us, causing us to backtrack and second-guess ourselves in the face of left-wing attacks, we will never achieve true victory, and our country will continue to be in peril.

This interview was genuinely stunning, and there’s a lot more to uncover. We encourage you to read the entire interview here.