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Well, that’s one down and about 74 more to go. The ‘good guys’ succeeded in defeating a Soros-backed district attorney by a mere 300 votes in Loudoun County, Virginia. It was a tight race between Soros-backed Buta Biberaj and Republican Bob Anderson.

Thankfully, although it was a bit too close for comfort, Anderson managed to eke out a win, likely sparing many good patriots from some unjust punishment.

Fox 5:

A high-profile Democratic prosecutor in northern Virginia who pursued progressive reforms and drew criticism from Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin conceded defeat Wednesday in her reelection bid.

Buta Biberaj’s narrow loss to Republican Bob Anderson in the race for Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney gave the Virginia GOP one of its most significant wins this election in an otherwise poor performance that saw Democrats win control of both houses of the state Legislature.

Biberaj conceded a day after the Loudoun County Board of Elections finished counting all ballots. Late absentee and provisional ballots narrowed Biberaj’s deficit from roughly 1,000 votes to just 300 votes out of more than 135,000 ballots cast.

However, the real story here is the staggering difference in campaign spending. The Soros-backed puppet poured a whopping $1 million into this District Attorney race—an absurd amount, but apparently Soros isn’t concerned. He’ll spend whatever it takes to turn America into a communist hellhole. In stark contrast, the Republican, Bob Anderson, spent only $70K.

Wow, $1 million to $70K—and they say there’s no corruption in U.S. elections? Please, who are they kidding?

Perhaps this isn’t just a ‘fluke.’ Instead, it’s a sign that the American people are becoming increasingly aware of George Soros and his wicked agenda.
