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Some folks on our side are under the impression that HBO talk show host Bill Maher could be an “ally” for our cause. But let’s be clear: Bill is the epitome of what you’d call “controlled opposition.” Sure, he criticizes the excesses of the Democrats, yet he never misses a chance to steer his audience toward voting for them. Wrapped up in Bill’s political spiel is a severe case of Stage 5 TDS—Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Scott Adams, the man behind the “Dilbert” comic strip, has been fascinated by how someone as intelligent and savvy as Maher could be so profoundly afflicted by TDS. With some reflection and digging around, Scott believes he’s unraveled the mystery. Here’s what Scott said in his X post, where he cleverly figured out exactly why Bill Maher has Stage 5 TDS:

The Bill Maher mystery is finally explained here to my satisfaction.

Mystery: How could a guy as smart as Maher have such bad TDS?

Answer: Evidently, Maher’s news sources are insanely limited.

Bill believes a Russian budget of $100K and some highschool quality memes that no one saw can sway an election. (The memes included anti-Trump and anti-Hillary memes.)

Bill believes that Paul Manafort sharing some stale internal polling data with a Russian Billionaire (while scamming him) swayed an election.

Bill was not aware that Hillary REPEATEDLY claimed the 2016 election was rigged. As did many in the Democrat party.

Summary: It’s an information problem. Bill’s brain appears to be fully functional, but criminally misinformed.

Scott Adams really hit the mark, and not just regarding Bill Maher but for many who’ve been indoctrinated with relentless absurd propaganda to loathe Trump. It’s no wonder the media is labeled the “enemy of the people.” Their tireless efforts to push regime-sanctioned propaganda, sow division, and transform the airwaves into a weapon.

Bill Maher is a particularly worrisome figure because he masquerades as the pinnacle of rational thought and ethical integrity with his criticism of the “woke” culture. Yet, in truth, Bill serves as a proxy, reassuring moderate Democrats about their radical party by simultaneously pushing an anti-woke stance and perpetuating baseless anti-Trump nonsense. Ultimately, Bill’s aim is to keep Democrats in control, whether they subscribe to woke ideologies or not, and this agenda is what makes him particularly treacherous and certainly no ally to those who value genuine discourse and freedom.