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Award-winning director Oliver Stone is now among the majority of Americans skeptical about the government’s “story” regarding the 2020 election. Many polls indicate that the majority of Americans believe cheating played a role in the election. This sentiment isn’t surprising, especially considering 2020 marked an unprecedented tsunami of largely unchecked mail-in ballots. It almost seems obvious: “Duh, of course, there was cheating.”

In addition, the idea of Joe Biden, a clodhopping career politician, securing a historic 81 million legal votes, surpassing both Obama and Trump, seems incredibly far-fetched. When you really think about all of this logically, the whole scenario starts to appear quite sketchy. So, it’s no surprise that Oliver Stone is not a “believer” in the regime’s narrative, and he let it be known when he appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show.

Here’s a snippet of their conversation:

Real Clear Politics:

Award-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone said he does not believe for a fact that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and said the “East Coast media elite” went too far in dumping on Trump in an interview with Bill Maher on his podcast “Club Random.”

OLIVER STONE: I’ve taken it. They really said, no, you can’t take Ivermectin and whatever and the other things. So it’s the law, the concept of authoritarian government that is really bothering me. And I think it bothers you this far.

BILL MAHER: Yes, of course.

STONE: Biden from saying, well, you know, we’ve got to take the vaccine, you know, And.

MAHER: Yes, that’s one form of it. I would say the form that Trump is threatening us with is even worse.

STONE: And which is what?

MAHER: Well, I mean, he doesn’t concede elections. You know, the elections only count if we win theory of government. Okay. Well, come on. You know, Trump has he still has not conceded the election. He has not conceded. He does not honor them. Okay.

STONE: I mean, do you know for a fact that he lost? I’m just curious.

MAHER: Okay. You’re going to make me —

STONE: I just don’t know all of the facts.

MAHER: Well I do. Is there a conspiracy theory that you don’t believe?

STONE: Come on, Bill. You know I’m intelligent.

MAHER: Intelligent? Of course you are. But look, look, I’ve had many people sit here and I’d say the same thing to them. Like, the key to getting along in America is not getting into these tribal things. It’s understanding that you can have somebody in your life who you go for A, B, C, and D, We are so aligned and the person is so smart and they really get it.

And then E each of you thinks the other one’s crazy and there’s a couple of those with us, but we got A, B, C, and D, and so we just.

OLIVER STONE: We’ll start with that.

MAHER: Yes, that’s got to be enough. You can’t make people like agree with you on these things. And you’re right when you —

STONE: I’m just asking you, I’m not an expert on the election. I don’t go on. I’m not a political junkie. You are. And you follow it very closely. Okay.

MAHER: All right, then I’ll give you the thumbnail sketch. They tried it in like 60 courts. It was laughed out of every court, including by Republican judges. Report The people who save this democracy were Republicans. Good Republicans. In states where Trump pressured them like the guy, the one he’s on trial for in Georgia. Find me 11,000 votes. It’s on tape.

A guy like that saying to him, sir, we just don’t do that here. I voted for you. I’m a Republican, but we just don’t do that. That’s what saved us. And they were Republicans. So you don’t take their word for it. I mean, it would.

STONE: I don’t know. I mean, you went through the 2000 election. That was horrifying to me. What happened when the Supreme Court closed that down. What happened there? You know, the popular vote was —

MAHER: What should we do? Do we just keep counting votes forever? Or should we still be counting them now?

STONE: No. Count them correctly.

In the end, Stone admitted he’s not an “election expert.” However, he raised a compelling point that a lot of folks probably agree with. He said that he’d place his trust in accountants over politicians, likely referencing the numerous accounting experts who’ve raised red flags about the 2020 election. That, coupled with the absurdly large number of votes Biden supposedly got, really has Oliver thinking something just ain’t right.

Chances are, you agree with him, right?