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In the midst of all this global chaos, it’s all too convenient how critical issues—such as the plight of January 6th political prisoners—get momentarily sidelined. This turmoil seems orchestrated in order to diffuse targeted scrutiny, shielding the regime from a concentrated, intense barrage of focus and angst. Fortunately, leaders like President Trump have a knack for steering the conversation right back to significant matters. Just recently, he reignited the torch by correctly calling the January 6 prisoners “hostages.”

The Political Insider:

While speaking at a rally in Houston, Texas on Thursday, the leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump referred to those imprisoned for their actions during the January 6th riot at the Capitol as “hostages.”

Trump’s comments were sparked by the playing of a song titled “Justice For All.”

That song is a collaboration between the former President and the “J6 Prison Choir,” in which Trump recites the Pledge of Allegiance while a “choir” consisting of individuals jailed for their actions during the 2021 riot sing the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

It concludes with a hearty chant of, “USA! USA!”

The song topped the iTunes charts back in March, knocking stars like Miley Cyrus, Morgan Wallen, and Selena Gomez down a few pegs.

As the song concluded and the GOP leader took to the podium, he mentioned to the crowd who the choir was but offered a different take on the group’s name.

“Well, thank you very much, and you know what that was,” Trump told the audience. “I call them the ‘J-6 hostages,’ not prisoners. I call them the hostages, what’s happened.”

“And you know, it’s a shame,” he opined.

And that’s precisely what they are—political hostages. Trump’s spot-on remarks come amid persistent rumors of abuse faced by the January 6 prisoners.

The recent sentencings of John Strand (a former Beverly Hills model and actor) and journalist Owen Shroyer have also shined a bright spotlight on the abuse January 6th political prisoners endure. Thankfully, another party leader has called out the issue and is stepping up with an action plan. Fresh off his successful bid to unseat Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership, Matt Gaetz is now channeling his efforts toward the January 6th hostages. He signaled his next steps in a recent post on X:

At a time when January 6th political prisoners are largely ignored, it’s so important that we see the kind of spotlight President Trump and Matt Gaetz are shining on them. This is especially true given that, with the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, no Republican 2024 hopeful seems to be the least bit interested in their situation.