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In an absurd recent announcement that has caught the attention of many, the Biden regime has introduced the first-ever national strategy to counter Islamophobia. This comes right after a devastating Hamas terrorist attack in Israel that left a staggering number of civilians dead. The White House is claiming this is an extension of their so-called effort to “combat various forms of discrimination” (unless you’re a racist Trump-supporting Christian) across the United States. They are planning to work with government agencies to address this supposed “Islamophobia.” The timing of this initiative is downright absurd as we watch these terrorist events unfold.

But just when you think things couldn’t possibly escalate, the Biden administration delivers a shocker. Reports are surfacing that the administration intends to engage with groups connected to Hamas to tackle what they label as ‘Islamophobia.’ This controversial move has left many questioning the regime’s approach and the potential implications of such dangerous and disrespectful partnerships.

The Dossier:

Back in the United States, the Biden Administration has already revealed the makeup of its interagency task force. And one group certainly sticks out: CAIR.

CAIR, or the Council on American-Islamic Relations, is a U.S. based Islamic supremacist group staffed with a roster of extremists from coast to coast.

CAIR was founded in 1994 by Muslim Brotherhood operatives dedicated to the advancement of Hamas (which originally referred to itself as “the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine”) in the Palestinian Territories.

CAIR’s founding and current director, Nihad Awad (pictured in the header photo), has previously stated that he supports Hamas. He later publicly retracted the statement, claiming that this was before they engaged in suicide bombing attacks.

However, the links between CAIR and Hamas run very deep. Jordan Schachtel continues.

In 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) listed CAIR as a terrorist organization.

Nonetheless, due to a climate of political correctness in the post 9/11 America, CAIR remains a 501c3 in good standing with the law.

For more on CAIR and America’s Hamas network, I encourage you to read this recently published piece from George Washington University on the matter.

Other groups, such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), have played a major role in White House meetings with top officials in the Biden Administration, according to reports.

ISNA, like CAIR was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial. Federal prosecutors previously described how ISNA funneled its money to Hamas:

“ISNA checks deposited into the ISNA/NAIT account for the HLF were often made payable to “the Palestinian Mujahadeen,” the original name for the HAMAS military wing. Govt. Exh. 1-174. From that ISNA/NAIT account, the HLF sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to HAMAS leader..”

ISNA holds an annual convention that has long featured radical Islamists as keynote speakers. In 2001, just ten days before the September 11 attacks, the convention featured Anwar al-Awlaki (who later became the leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula), who delivered a lecture on “tolerance.”

Essentially, the Biden Administration has tasked the U.S. ideological branches of Hamas to spearhead the “anti-Islamophobia” task force.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong with collaborating with groups that work with terrorist organizations to address an unfounded surge of anti-Islamic sentiment? The Biden regime is not only giving credibility to Hamas, but they’re also disregarding the victims of the October terror attack in the process.