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The left has its sights set on your children. Why else would there be such a focus on sexualizing young kids, pushing them into gender confusion, exposing them to adult-themed drag shows, and other unsuitable content? This isn’t suitable for children at such a vulnerable age. Schools are stocking vulgar books aimed at indoctrinating kids—books no child should be reading. Parents and conscientious citizens are rightfully appalled and are calling for these books to be removed. Predictably, the left has reframed this debate as “book banning.” Americans aren’t inherently in favor of banning books, just as we should oppose tearing down statues or silencing voices online. Yet, sadly, those things continue. However, when it comes to protecting our children, certain measures must be taken, and that includes banning “books” that are actually just gay pornography. And interestingly, once Americans who oppose so-called “book banning” read excerpts of these horrific books, they have a quick change of heart.

This isn’t about being “anti-education” or some extreme “book banning” push, as the left spins it. It’s about responsible parents working to remove pornography from schools—something we should all agree upon. As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court has never recognized obscenity as protected First Amendment speech in our great nation’s history. Sadly, however, the left wants to push this perverted garbage on our nation’s children as part of its desire to force the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone, starting at birth.