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If there were ever a contest for a poster boy to represent the shameful “woke” decline in the United States military, Alex Wagner would surely rank among the top contenders. With a look and feel reminiscent of someone from the show “Queer Eye,” it seems that Alex’s sole concern revolves around LGBTQ issues. Alex Wagner is a political appointee of President Joe Biden but has spent most of his career at the Pentagon. So, in other words, he’s a D.C. swamp rat who now serves as the assistant secretary of the Air Force.

Alex is helping to transform the military into a global laughing stock. It’s almost as if the military has transformed into one gigantic drag show. And it’s really scary, because right now, under the failed and disgraceful “leadership” of Grandpa “Simple Joe” Biden, the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. Now, more than ever, we need a steadfast and resolute America. A strong, focused U.S.A. is crucial not only for our domestic safety but also to maintain global order. Unfortunately, we’re falling way short. The U.S. appears weaker than ever, with a senile so-called “president” and a military that is more focused on inclusivity than defense. In fact, Alex Wagner doesn’t seem overly concerned with potential threats like war and terrorists right now. He’s far too preoccupied with more important matters like “gender-neutral socks.”

We wish we were kidding…

Mr. Wagner has now joined the illustrious ranks of intellectual giants on the left like “Guam’s Gonna’ Tip Over” Hank Johnson” and the ever-enlightening “Mixologist Maven” AOC. At this point, it’s probably safe to assume that the United States military has completely lost its way.