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Fox News has really lost its footing over the past few years. These days, they’re basically the cable mouthpiece for the GOP establishment, promoting an “anyone but Trump” agenda. First, they were all about Ron DeSantis, and when his star dimmed, they latched onto the “idea” of Glenn Youngkin. Now that he’s not the golden ticket, they’re touting Nikki Haley—a woman with a better shot at being elected President of Narnia than running the United States.

Over time, many of the regular hosts we’ve come to know are gradually becoming unrecognizable. Take Steve Doocy, for example. He hosts “Fox & Friends” and used to be a pretty reasonable guy, often defending President Trump and engaging in some truly thought-provoking conversations with him. But times have changed. Nowadays, Doocy seems to have caught the TDS bug from the likes of Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. He’s so consumed by his vehement disdain for Trump that you’d hardly recognize him as the same guy we watched back in 2016. It’s gotten so bad that he’s even defending Hunter Biden now.

Washington Engager:

I’m not entirely sure what has happened to Steve Doocy, but the guy is sounding more and more like Chris Wallace every day.

During a recent segment on Fox News, Doocy and Kilmeade butted heads on the GOP’s investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Despite there being evidence stacked about a mile high, Doocy maintains the belief that there’s “no proof” of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden in regard to his connection with Hunter and his foreign business dealings.

Really, Steve? What imaginary world are you living in?

Unfortunately, Steve isn’t the only one losing his marbles over at Fox News. Sean Hannity is another one who has ripped off his mask to reveal his establishment’s true colors to the masses. The shift first caught our attention when Sean started pounding the war drums for Ukraine, and let’s not even get into his peculiar fondness for establishment stalwart Lindsey Graham. Recently, he’s turned his sights on Vivek, dismissing him as an “outsider” and implying that D.C. requires politicians, not “outsiders.”

Say what, Sean?

What’s even worse is that a Democrat account had to point it out.

Brian Krassenstein:

Last Night Sean Hannity attacked Vivek Ramaswamy in an interview on Fox News. The interview was hard to watch, and as a Democrat, it left even me wondering what the heck Hannity was thinking here.

Hannity goes on to state:

“I think people that never held public office, like you, maybe they’re not qualified to be President.”

This is rich coming from the guy who basically idolized Trump for 5 years, who never held public office in his life either.

Why do you think Hannity turned against Ramaswamy?

Meanwhile, as Vivek artfully points out, we, the people, appreciate thoughtful and insightful conversations that delve into the multifaceted issues we’re facing today, both in this country and around the world. There’s a lot to process, and no one “agenda” answers the questions we have.

Be sure to watch the longer clip with Vivek and Hannity here:

Contrary to what Fox News believes, we’re not interested in being spoon-fed uniparty regime talking points like well-behaved Republicans. We want to hear all sides of an issue and make our own decisions. Yet Fox News and their establishment reporters seem hell-bent on preventing that from happening.