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A taxi driver was discovered hanging in a wooded area—the story is unsettling and grisly on its own. However, the surrounding circumstances take this story from haunting to genuinely astonishing and complex. The story takes place in Sweden, and the case centers on a Middle Eastern taxi driver who was found hanged within a nature reserve. The story takes a wild turn when we discover that the victim was accused of raping a 14-year-old girl, who happens to be the prime suspect in his murder, along with her brother and friends. The murder of the taxi driver is believed to be revenge for the alleged rape.

Western Journal:

A taxi driver in Sweden was found dead in the woods, and the identity of the prime suspect makes the case even more grisly.

According to the Swedish website Fria Tider, on March 26, an abandoned taxi belonging to a Middle Eastern taxi driver was found in the parking lot of the Hjälstaviken nature reserve near Stockholm. On April 1, the body of the missing taxi driver was found hanging in the nature reserve.

This story is already disturbing enough, but police quickly discovered that it may have been a form of vigilantism — spearheaded by a 15-year-old girl, her boyfriend, and her brothers.

The murdered taxi driver was alleged to have raped the then-14-year-old girl in February, and the girl and the four boys are now alleged to have killed the taxi driver in revenge.

According to the indictment, the girl lured the taxi driver into the woods where he was then set upon by the boys, who had brought rope, and they strangled and hanged him.

It is unclear what the alleged rapists’ immigration status was, but we do know that rapes in Sweden began soaring after hordes of Muslim migrants began flooding in.


When Sweden took in its highest number of asylum seekers in 2015, the number of reported rapes declined by 12%. At the height of the migration crisis, some 160,000 migrants arrived there – more per capita than any other EU country.\

The steep rise in migration also raised questions about Sweden’s ability to integrate immigrants. The centre-left Social Democrat-led government soon introduced restrictions and the number of arrivals fell dramatically.

The SVT programme revealed that in cases where the victim did not know the attacker, the proportion of foreign-born offenders was more than 80%.

A former police officer born in Afghanistan told the programme that some young Afghans who had come to Sweden in recent years had views that differed significantly from Sweden’s idea of sexual equality.

What do people expect when they invite barbaric outsiders into their country and assume they’ll magically respect their traditions and seamlessly integrate? This is the lunacy and danger of left-wing politics—it’s not grounded in reality, leaving many people victimized or even worse. This whole nightmare could’ve been avoided if this monster had stayed in his home country or among those who share his traditions. Unfortunately, the left-wingers are turning the world into a grand “social experiment,” and they couldn’t care less who they destroy along the way.