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Joe Biden has effectively flung open the floodgates at the U.S.-Mexico border, allowing thousands of unvetted individuals to flood in by the hour. A significant number of these entrants could very well be criminals and lowlifes, yet they’ll be plopped into our neighborhoods and communities, becoming our tax burdens whether we approve or not. Living in a Democrat-controlled nation means embracing chaos, crime, and despair as the norm. Given this backdrop, it’s not surprising that Joe Biden would roll out the welcome mat for criminals and society’s cast-offs while going above and beyond to deport a devout Christian German family that’s been contributing positively to this country for fifteen long years. Right on brand, Joe.

The Catholic Telegraph:

A German family that has lived in the United States for more than a decade after leaving their home country in order to legally home-school their children faces possible deportation next month, their supporters said.

The Romeikes — father Uwe, mother Hannelore, and their then-five children — fled Germany in 2009 over the country’s severe compulsory education laws, which effectively outlaw home schooling and require all children to attend school outside the home.

The evangelical Christian family has had two more children since arriving in the U.S. and made their home in Tennessee. The couple initially sought asylum from the federal government, claiming religious persecution from German authorities.

They were eventually granted indefinitely deferred action status by the Obama administration, allowing them to reside in the U.S. for more than a decade.

The Home School Legal Defense Association — a pro-home schooling nonprofit that has advocated the Romeikes’ case over the years — said in a release last week that during a recent “routine check-in” with immigration officials they were “told … that they had four weeks to secure passports and return to Germany.”

“The news came without warning, and with no apparent cause or explanation,” HSLDA said.

Kevin Boden, an attorney with HSLDA and the director of HSLDA International, told CNA that it is unclear what may or may not occur at next month’s meeting.

“They were basically given four weeks to come back,” Boden said. “They have a report date in October. They don’t know what is going to happen in that meeting. They don’t know if they’re going to be forced to leave. They don’t know if they’re going to be taken into custody.”

“‘Come back in four weeks and bring your passports,’” Boden added. “That combination is a little bit scary.”

Meanwhile, unvetted illegals are killing Americans left and right with impunity. This is not what immigration should look like. In truth, there are different facets of immigration—there’s a big difference between the type of positive immigration that helped add to our great nation and the dangerous and sometimes deadly variants currently peddled as “progressive” by the left. In a climate where mob rule reigns supreme, it’s the decent folks upholding traditional values who find themselves targeted, penalized, and besmirched because they are everything the regime despises. On the flip side, criminals and dullards are elevated and celebrated. None of it makes any sense unless you realize they want America to collapse. Welcome to the upside-down reality we’re presently stuck in. In all honesty, that German family may not realize it, but they’re likely better off making a break for it while they still can.