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Given the current polling trends, Biden needs every last vote he can scrounge up—and print. As the scandals pile up and monumental mistakes are made, Americans are increasingly turning against the “Confuser-in-Chief.” Presently, President Trump is ahead of Biden in most national polls and maintains the lead in key swing states.

Trump is also outperforming among young voters and non-white demographics.

Believe it or not, President Trump may soon be winning over the Muslim vote. Well, maybe not, but they certainly don’t want Biden back in the White House. It appears that Muslim Americans are so livid with Biden over his stance on the Israel-Palestine war that they could play a role in tipping the scales against him in the 2024 election.

NBC News:

As President Joe Biden declared unwavering support for Israel in the days after Hamas’ terror attack in Israel, Ahmad Ramadan, a former Biden adviser now leading coalition efforts for the Michigan Democratic Party, called the state party chair to raise the alarm about what he was hearing.

Michigan has one of the largest Muslim and Arab American populations in the country, and they say their support for Biden was instrumental to putting him over the top in the critical swing state in 2020. But now, Ramadan and other Democratic leaders in the state were hearing nothing but frustration with Biden — and threats to not vote for him again.

In a series of more than a dozen roundtable discussions with Muslim community leaders in the two weeks since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, Ramadan said the main takeaway is that “people are very disappointed.” They say they “will not forget what President Biden did and why he lied to them,” he added.

“President Biden won with historic numbers in 2020. And I was proud to represent that, but the last two weeks have really shifted things,” Ramadan said. “I’ve also been getting calls from people saying, ‘I have blood on my hands because I got people out to support him during that campaign.’”

While Muslim Americans remain a small minority of the U.S. population, their numbers are growing rapidly, and both parties are increasingly vying for their support. Democrats have mostly succeeded so far, as former President Donald Trump and other Republicans turned them off with policies like a travel ban that affected predominantly Muslim countries (something Trump is promising to implement again if he is re-elected).

Now, though, Muslim leaders are warning that Democrats risk losing their support, too, if Biden and the party do not do more to combat Islamophobia and address the pain many are feeling about the war in Gaza.

“Joe Biden has single-handedly alienated almost every Arab-American and Muslim American voter in Michigan,” said state Rep. Alabas Farhat, a Democrat whose district includes Dearborn, which is home to one of the largest Muslim and Arab American communities in the country.

The Muslim community may not be substantial in overall size, but they’re a big presence in Michigan. And Biden can’t afford to lose any group at this stage. The bad news keeps piling up for tired ol’ Joe, and honestly, no one deserves the mounting criticism more than he does. The silver lining here is that Democrats must be tearing their hair out, brainstorming ways to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket. Hey, maybe Obama can invite Joe over for a night of paddleboarding?