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The “Bukele effect” is resonating across Central and South America, showcasing how, much like President Trump, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele is shaking things up and redefining the role of government for the people. Bukele is on a relentless mission to curb gang crime and improve life in his country. He’s even built a prison capable of housing 20,000 gang members. His unwavering determination to transform El Salvador from one of the world’s most dangerous countries into one of the safest has earned him an astounding approval rating of nearly 90%. Clearly, the only folks not on board are the gang members. This style of governance and crime-fighting is catching on, and now it’s Ecuador’s turn.

Meet Daniel Noboa, the freshly-elected, 35-year-old president of Ecuador. What did he campaign for and win on? You guessed it—crime-fighting, taking a page right out of Bukele’s playbook.

In America, crime is surging to alarming levels, and we could certainly use something akin to the “Bukele effect” here. You can certainly count on President Trump to spotlight the escalating crime rates in Democrat-controlled hellholes as the 2024 race heats up. After all, Dems’ harebrained ideas like “Defund the Police,” “Bail Reform,” and celebrating thugs and criminals have not only backfired spectacularly but have also put countless innocent Americans in harm’s way and are destroying this country from within.