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It’s astonishing how the “Biden Boys” seem to have dodged repercussions for years. With all their scheming, plotting, bribery, and embezzlement, it appears that everyone except President Trump has been willing to turn a blind eye as if such criminal behavior is just “business as usual” in the murky depths of the DC Swamp. But is the well finally running dry for this family of bums and mooches? It certainly seems like the walls are closing in as all their skeletons come tumbling out of the closet. Just recently, it came out that Biden’s granddaughter (Hunter’s daughter) lived in the White House from August 2022 to March 2023 while simultaneously working for a foreign country. Unbelievable. The apple certainly doesn’t fall from the tree.

The New York Post:

International relations seem to run in the family.

Hunter Biden’s eldest daughter Naomi worked as a lawyer on behalf of the government of Peru around the same time she was living at the White House with her granddad, President Joe Biden, a review of public records shows.

Naomi Biden, 29, joined the Washington DC-based law firm Arnold & Porter in January 2021 — the same month Joe Biden was sworn in as the nation’s 46th president.

She had previously been a Summer associate at the firm in 2019.

In September 2021 she appeared in a filing disclosing that she was providing legal representation for the government of Peru in a case brought by Worth Capital Holdings 27 LLC, which claimed the country was interfering in their operation of an oil refinery in the southern Amazon.

The company sought $590 million in damages.

The case is still ongoing and Naomi Biden’s specific role is unclear.

When Naomi was a student at the University of Pennsylvania, a professor urged her to “cash in” on her name in China.


A professor at the University of Pennsylvania once pointedly urged Hunter Biden’s daughter to attend a lavish all-expenses paid conference in China, advising that her family name would open doors for her in the country, according to messages found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

The university is under scrutiny after classified documents were discovered at the school’s Penn Biden Center in Washington D.C. shortly before the midterm elections. The discovery was concealed by the Biden White House for months afterwards. Some of the documents related to countries Hunter Biden did business in — like Ukraine.

Frank Plantan Jr., a “lecturer emeritus” at the university, assured Naomi Biden that China’s Boao Forum — which he described as an “Asian Davos” — would be easy.

“My impression [is] it is pretty light lifting — no long speeches and more conversational. They will fly you business class and of course provide all your accommodations and meals and are happy to try and arrange meetings or introductions for you there or in other sectors in China,” Plantan wrote to Naomi in a message, found on the laptop, that she shared with Hunter Biden over text in February 2019.

“I don’t think it would surprise you that they are interested in you thanks to your family name. I would not take offense at that — it is truly the Chinese way. (And frankly, better you than that dolt Tiffany Trump),” he added.

Frank Plantan Jr. told Naomi Biden she could network at the conference thanks to her family name. Frank Plantan LInkedIn

And let’s not forget Naomi’s dad, Hunter, who’s drowning in legal bills. Reports suggest that he’s now accumulating more than a million dollars a month in legal fees. So who’s footing that bill? It can’t be Hunter; he’d have to sell two paintings a month just to keep up, wouldn’t he?

The New York Post:

Hunter Biden’s legal bills could be costing him $1 million a month, legal experts said.

The first son — and his fleet of top-shelf attorneys — have launched at least four lawsuits in addition to their ongoing fight against special counsel David Weiss.

“Today the top, top lawyers in New York and Washington bill at around $2,000 an hour for the main counsel and between $1,000 and $1,800 for other partners and the high hundreds … for young associates,” said famed litigator Alan Dershowitz.

Hunter’s lead attorney, Winston and Strawn Partner Abbe Lowell, would likely command top billing, Dershowitz, 85, said.

“I would say generally in the area of a million dollars a month,” the Harvard Law Professor theorized. “It would be a high rough estimate of what it might run for all those cases together if they were being charged at commercial rates.”

Hunter is currently suing everybody and his brother. From the poor guy who owns the laptop repair shop to the IRS, Hunter’s on a crackhead mission from hell to take down the people who exposed him. Honestly, between the grifter granddaughter using the first residence as a flop house and Hunter having some freewheeling pothead lawyer footing his bills, one has to question whether this family has any shame at all. It’s like Whitey Bulger’s Winter Hill Gang has taken over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The silver lining here is that it looks like the jig is up; the Biden family of freeloaders and moochers is finally seeing their government gravy train come to a screeching halt. Now, all we have left is to fight for real justice against this criminal family.