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The Biden family was quick to use dogs for a PR stunt to portray themselves as the “all-American” family simply because they had dogs, in contrast to Trump, who chose not to introduce a pet into that hectic and unnatural atmosphere. As with everything the Bidens touch, the entire stunt backfired, causing significant trauma to two innocent dogs who deserved better.

Months ago, a video circulated that left people horrified. In the video, Biden appears unable to control his new puppy, Commander, and is even seen kicking the dog. This raises questions about the recent report alleging that Biden “kicks” and “punches” his dogs. Could this behavior explain why every dog he’s had at the White House has developed severe behavior issues? Thanks to Judicial Watch, we’re learning more about the potential abuse these dogs have suffered, including from Joe Biden himself. Judicial Watch reports that sources claim Biden has “kicked” and “punched” his dogs.

A lousy father. A lousy fake president. Is Joe a lousy dog owner as well?

PJ Media:

The conservative watchdog — no pun intended — has filed a Freedom of Information Act suit against the Secret Service regarding reports of multiple bite attacks by the First Dog, Commander.

The dog reportedly has been removed from the White House after its most recent attack on a Secret Service agent and other White House staff. According to a Judicial Watch source, President Biden has mistreated his dogs. Judicial Watch has learned he has punched and kicked his dogs.
This is where I must pause and collect myself before writing any further.

I’m a dog person. My wife is so much of a dog person that the first big test of our budding relationship was when she looked me square in the eye and asked if I was a dog person. I should add that this was maybe 40 minutes into our first date. Two decades later, our two sons are dog people and dote on all three of our dogs, all the time.

Back in the day when dog food had to be cooked at home, my dad — then 10-year-old Steve Sr. — refused to serve his Boxer, Chris, any food that Dad hadn’t first tasted himself. I didn’t believe Dad when he told me that story many years ago, but my grandfather (also a dog person) confirmed it.

So it’s with outrage and trembling hands that I’m writing this report.

Biden has now had two different German Shepherds, Commander and Major, who have repeatedly bitten Secret Service agents and other White House staff. That much is an established fact. There’s a pattern here, and that almost always reflects on the owner, not on the dogs.

This video, in which we all witness a frustrated-looking Biden seemingly kicking the puppy, is now adding credibility to Judicial Watch’s claim.

In addition, who can forget when Biden broke his foot and claimed he was naked and fell while pulling his dog’s tail? What on earth?

The New York Post:

President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday revealed that he broke his foot tripping on a rug after a shower as he chased one of his dogs and grabbed its tail.

Biden’s campaign previously explained the hairline fracture by saying Biden fell while playing with the dog, but did not mention the shower or tugging the animal’s tail.

The injury requires Biden, who turned 78 last month, to wear a boot for weeks.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

Honestly, what grown man runs around naked with a dog and pulls its tail? That’s not appropriate, and adults should know better. That’s the kind of behavior we teach small children not to engage in, especially with a large, powerful dog like a German Shepherd. That story always sounded fishy, and given what we now know about the alleged abuse and mistreatment of those poor dogs, it seems there’s a lot more to the “naked tail” incident than meets the eye. Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that Joe Biden has no business owning German Shepherds or any dog, for that matter. He’s a senile, clumsy, and angry old man who would be better suited to caring for a goldfish.