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The fraud case against President Trump is currently unfolding in New York City, a hotbed for the regime’s sham court battles targeting Trump and his supporters. Remember Douglass Mackey? He was convicted of “conspiracy” in a Brooklyn courtroom for sharing an anti-Hillary meme on Twitter nearly eight years ago; he faces 10 years in prison for that absurd conviction. Now, Trump is dealing with baseless “fraud” charges and facing down an activist judge and prosecutor who are gunning to take his businesses from him over some half-baked allegations that he “defrauded” Deutsche Bank, which financed his real estate ventures.


Donald Trump obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in loans using financial statements that a court has since deemed fraudulent, a retired bank official testified Wednesday at the former president’s New York civil fraud trial.

Trump’s “statements of financial condition” were key to his approval for a $125 million loan in 2011 for his golf resort in Doral, Florida, and a $107 million loan in 2012 for his Chicago hotel and condo skyscraper, former Deutsche Bank risk management officer Nicholas Haigh testified.

But although the bank didn’t conduct its own full appraisals of Trump’s properties, it sometimes gave sizable “haircuts” to the values he’d placed on such holdings as Trump Tower and his golf courses, Haigh said.

Meanwhile, the bank that claims to be a “victim” of some massive Trump” fraud scheme” actually loved doing business with him so much that they gave him an award for paying in full every month and for even paying off the debt ahead of schedule.

Yeah, Trump sounds like a real “fraudster,” eh? What a charlatan! Here’s what President Trump said on Truth Social:

This Trophy was given to me by Deutsche Bank because they were so proud of the Loan they made. They had the best Lawyers, the smartest Loan Officers, and were thrilled to do business with “TRUMP.” Interest was fully paid every month (no payment ever missed!), never received a default notice, and if Interest came due on a weekend, I paid it on a Friday. THE LOAN WAS PAID OFF FAR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! Except for me, because of the Corrupt DOJ, FBI, and Racist New York State Attorney General, there were no Victims, there were only happy Bankers! But despite a PERFECT LOAN, I was sued by the Incompetent, Radical Left New York State AG, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, under a Statute that was never used for this before, and where I am not even entitled to a Jury. A Liberal Democrat Judge, with all Trump Haters surrounding him, is going to make this very important decision. If I had a Jury, I would win easily, but regardless, this is a case that should never have been brought. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

A former Deutsche Bank executive now claims that they approved large loans to Donald Trump—loans he repaid early—based on his reported vast personal fortune. The bank says they believed Trump was far wealthier than he actually is. But let’s be real: what businessman hasn’t inflated his wealth? Adding to the absurdity of this case is CNN’s legal analyst Elie Honig, who labeled the case “weak” because there are no actual victims. If Trump did inflate his net worth, the bank should have done its due diligence and checked it out for themselves. However, at the end of the day, the bank received all their money back, with interest. So, what’s the crime, and where’s the victim?

This is yet another politicized sham and a mockery of our justice system by the radical left.