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Rest assured, America, your hard-earned tax dollars are backing the world’s most formidable military force… to embrace gender transitions. That’s right. Instead of focusing primarily on national defense and safeguarding our sovereignty, today’s United States military emphasizes inclusivity and progressiveness, which includes pushing the LGBTQ agenda down everybody’s gullet, and it’s costing you a fortune to play “make-believe” and “dress up” with mentally ill soldiers.

This is an article from 2021, and it’s only gotten worse and more costly…


The Pentagon has spent $15 million in the past five years to treat 1,892 transgender troops, including $11.5 million for psychotherapy and $3.1 million for surgeries, according to Defense Department data provided to Military.com

Of the 243 gender reassignment surgeries performed on military personnel since 2016, 50 took place between Jan. 1, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2017, and 193 occurred from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019 — the two years after President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would bar transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military.

According to the Defense Health Agency, the surgeries were performed in military health facilities and included removal of breasts or testicles, hysterectomies and labiaplasty — creation of or reshaping the flesh around a vagina.

The total number of transgender persons serving in the armed forces across all three components — active-duty, Reserve and National Guard — is not known as not all likely have sought treatment.

To illustrate the extent of the absurdity, not only are these mentally ill people undergoing sex change surgeries on our dime, but they’re also receiving additional “facial feminization” to boot.

Here’s what the popular X account “Libs of Tiktok” had to say:

This man who thinks he’s a woman underwent a full gender transition including “facial feminization” to try to change his face to appear like a female.

It didn’t cost him cuz he’s in the military and they paid for it using our tax dollars.

The military uses our tax dollars to fund all kinds of s*x change surgeries for servicemembers who are confused about their identity.

Incredibly, the government seems utterly incapable of taking care of the nation’s homeless or vets, but somehow, they can find millions of dollars to indulge mentally ill people and their disturbing whims.