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Joe Biden is an unmitigated disaster. His cognitive abilities have declined to the point where he often can’t string sentences together, making it nearly impossible to follow his train of thought. Listening to him address the world, the American people, or the press is akin to watching a soggy bag of oatmeal attempt to communicate.

Just the other day, Biden looked like a deer caught in the headlights while attempting to converse with reporters on Air Force One. He froze up Mitch McConnell-style and, even when he regained his composure, remained disoriented and all over the place. Of course, it made world-wide news, making the US look like a clown show, but Biden doesn’t care; he probably doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.

The Daily Express:

Joe Biden talks gibberish and completely freezes in latest ‘confused’ moment
Joe Biden appeared to lose his train of thought while struggling to speak during a chat with reporters on Air Force One. The 80-year-old President has been slammed for his regular gaffes.

Joe Biden has been mocked after he once again spaced out and struggled to finish a thought while speaking to reporters following a visit to Israel.

In a widely shared video, the 80-year-old president stops speaking, grabs his face and looks at the floor for an uncomfortably long pause before answering a reporter’s question in broken sentences.

President Biden says: “Virtually every…mass shooting…every…circumstance where a large number of people have been victimized and lost, I spoke to them…I learned a long time ago, but you all learned in your life as well.”

He then stares blankly at the reporter without speaking for several moments.

Starting again, Biden said: “When someone’s going through something that is beyond their comprehension that they never thought they’d have to go through…if they see someone who they think understands who went through something not the same but similar…it gives them some sense of hope.

It’s hardly surprising that Biden’s communication team members act as though they’re in a horror movie whenever he starts to speak. In this latest instance, Kirby’s eyes turn into saucers, and Karine’s face looks like the fry station at McDonald’s. This happened when Biden was asked about Israel and Hezbollah. If you listen closely, some say you can actually hear John Kirby attempting to shut it all down.

This is also the video that ignited the infamous “chin” controversy. We’re all still puzzled as to why Biden’s chin suddenly resembled a melted PlayStation controller.

One thing’s for certain: nothing—absolutely nothing—is ever “normal” when it comes to this man and his so-called “presidency.”