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Live TV certainly has its share of surprises, and it can be a playground for trolls and pranksters. While most pranks are harmless, the timing can sometimes be a bit off. In a recent incident, a “fan” of Tucker Carlson seized the moment and called into Fox News, hilariously pranking reporter Trace Gallagher during a live report about a shooting incident (fortunately, no fatalities occurred).

During the discussion about the incident at a Morgan State University dorm in Baltimore, Gallagher introduced the caller as Tyrone, a supposed student from the university. Tyrone took control of the conversation right away by mentioning that he and his friends regularly gather together every Tuesday to watch Tucker Carlson’s show on X (formerly on Fox News). Tyrone went on to say that Tucker was “the most credible guy in the media in America” and is doing even better now that he’s not with Fox News, where they forced him to “read a teleprompter.”

Ha ha, great stuff! Gallagher quickly realized that “Tyrone” wasn’t actually a student at Morgan State and cut the conversation short.

It was a great prank, and now we know who was behind it: conservative comedian and renowned YouTuber Mark Dice claimed credit for the call. Well done, Mark!

Mark took to his YouTube channel, where he explained the awesome prank:


Mark is absolutely right. Tucker has earned the reputation as the most trusted name in news, and we’re delighted he’s on X, where millions of viewers tune in to watch his show every week.