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If you’re looking for genuine examples of election interference, look no further than 2020, 2022, and now, 2024. That’s because the Dems, lacking popularity or success on their own merits, are resorting to every underhanded trick imaginable to thwart Trump and any MAGA candidates in their path. And if you thought 2020 and 2022 were cheat-fests, just wait. 2024 is shaping up to make those previous elections look like child’s play in comparison.

They’re employing every dirty trick to remove President Trump from the race, from a slew of sham indictments to a new “gag order” just issued by a foreign-born, Obama-appointed Democrat judge. That’s right, a woman not even born in this country is now trampling all over the First Amendment rights of a former President of the United States and the current 2024 front-runner.


A federal judge has barred Donald Trump from attacking witnesses, prosecutors and court staff involved in his Washington, D.C., criminal case, imposing a gag order that sharply escalates the tension between Trump’s 2024 bid for the presidency and the realities of his status as a criminal defendant.

“First Amendment protections yield to the administration of justice and to the protection of witnesses,” Judge Tanya Chutkan said Monday as she issued the gag order. “His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify … public servants who are simply doing their job.”

For Trump, it’s one of the first tangible consequences of his multiple brushes with the criminal justice system, in this case on four felony charges related to his effort to subvert the 2020 election. Chutkan has scheduled Trump’s trial to begin on March 4 and emphasized Monday that the date would not change.

“This trial will not yield to the election cycle and we will not revisit the trial date,” Chutkan said.

Complying with Chutkan’s order will require a significant shift in Trump’s public demeanor. He routinely uses his social media megaphone and rally speeches to assail his lead federal prosecutor, special counsel Jack Smith, as “deranged.” Trump also has taken to branding the lawyers working under Smith as “thugs.” Those comments, Chutkan said, risk poisoning the proceedings.

Trump, who opted to campaign in Iowa rather than attend the hearing Monday, has also in recent weeks pointedly attacked several known witnesses in the case. He suggested that one of them, retired Gen. Mark Milley, would have warranted the death penalty in another era, and he repeatedly blasted another, former Attorney General Bill Barr.

Acknowledging Trump’s broad right to weigh in on public policy issues as he pursues a second term in the White House, Chutkan said nevertheless that Trump could not launch a “pretrial smear campaign” against those who might testify against him. She said she would consider “sanctions” if she observes any violations. She did not elaborate on those sanctions, although she said she planned to issue a written order with further details.

The pronouncement raises the prospect that Trump could face punishment — ranging from restrictions on his use of social media all the way up to potential pretrial incarceration — if he continues to mount public attacks on Smith and his team or witnesses likely to testify in his March trial.

Now, Trump can no longer criticize disgraced prosecutor Jack Smith and others related to the January 6th sham case against him.

You can’t get more “election interference” than this, but rest assured, the Democrats will certainly try. Senator Vance is urging for this miscarriage of justice to be appealed as swiftly as possible, even if it means taking it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Of course, we all saw this coming. This is attorney Mike Davis from last month, discussing the potential for this gag order that’s now in effect.

Mike also insisted that any gag order against President Trump would violate his First Amendment rights.

PJ Media:

Davis explained the legal issues of the proposed gag order. “Using such an order to silence a defendant in any case about the charges he faces runs afoul of the First Amendment,” he insisted. “To use a so-called gag order to suppress the speech of a presidential candidate, and thereby blocking him from responding to allegations against him, in a sham political prosecution such as this one is something straight out of a third-world banana republic.” Which seems a more and more accurate description of New York.

Mike recently pointed out in a tweet that barring a defendant from publicly speaking about the case or criticizing the prosecutor is unconstitutional.

Tragically, the Democrats are well aware that their actions are both wrong and unjust, but they couldn’t care less. Their ultimate goal is to prevent President Trump from returning to the White House, and they’re willing to unleash tyranny in its rawest form to achieve that—even if it means devastating the country and our entire judicial process along the way.