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Often as conservatives, we can be a bit self-righteous, perched atop our soapboxe. We criticize Dems for misleading their base and claim how deception runs rampant on the left. That’s not a lie, but let’s face it—similar issues plague our own ranks.

Sure, we taunt liberals as “sheep” for swallowing climate change narratives from so-called experts and lobbyists without doing their own deep dives. But can we honestly say we’re different? Do we question the groups, lobbyists, and experts aligned with our own beliefs? Maybe we’re not as gullible as the left, but let’s be real—our side isn’t entirely beyond reproach. The GOP filled with lying and scheming RINOs, and some of our lobbyists seem more driven by financial gain than principle.

Even those we consider to be doing the “Lord’s work” may have strings attached—it is Washington, DC,  after all. That’s the point President Trump was making when he was asked about the pro-life groups who are trashing and attacking him right now–maybe, just maybe, these groups have ulterior motives.

Does President Trump have a point? After all, if you look back at midterms, pro-life groups didn’t open up their pocket books, did they? They were not running around promoting pro-life candidates after Roe v Wade was overturned. Quite the opposite, actually. Pro-life spending ground to a screeching halt while Dems spent like drunken sailors.

Those lopsided numbers should give those on our side pause for thought. Once again, President Trump hits the nail on the head. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortion has reverted to being a “state issue,” which is precisely where it should have always been. Therefore, it shouldn’t even be a talking point in the 2024 national elections, given that it’s no longer a federal matter. But let’s not kid ourselves; there are opportunists in the pro-life camp just as there are in the pro-abortion side. Abortion has become lucrative business on both sides of the aisle and it would do us well to remember that.

Unfortunately, the political landscape in this country is overflowing with agendas—some good, some not so good. Yet a lot of times, the positive can outweigh the negative. Politics is a game, and it’s important to understand the rules to avoid getting caught up in spin and propaganda. President Trump has the ability to see beyond the superficial and call it like it is, and that’s exactly what he did once again.