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When progressives have their backs against the wall, they go insane. Quite literally. And nowhere is that fact more evident than what’s going down in Georgia. A new document just uncovered reveals how insane that group of “activists” went in their quest to weaponize the judicial system for the uni-party regime. Thanks to newly uncovered documents, we now know that the Fulton County Grand Jury also recommended indictments against Lindsey Graham, Mike Flynn, and two other Georgia politicians who were not charged by District Attorney Fani Willis, among others…


A special grand jury convened by Georgia prosecutors recommended criminal indictments of Sen. Lindsey Graham and a slew of other allies of Donald Trump who have not been charged by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, according to a report unsealed Friday.

The special grand jury, which led a year-long investigation of efforts to subvert the 2020 election in Georgia, helped Willis compile a massive trove of evidence that she used to secure a sprawling indictment last month against Trump and 18 alleged co-conspirators, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman and others.

But the special grand jury report, which was filed in December but had been largely kept confidential until Friday, shows that a majority of the panel urged her to indict a much wider array of figures linked to the effort.

They include:

  • Graham, the South Carolina senator who came under scrutiny for his efforts to contact Georgia election officials after the election
  • Former senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler of Georgia
  • Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn
  • Former national security adviser Michael Flynn
  • Attorney Cleta Mitchell

The special grand jury, a quirk of Georgia law, had no power to issue indictments but was required to make recommendations to Willis, who then pursued charges through a traditional grand jury. Trump and the other 18 defendants who were indicted on Aug. 14 were all on the list identified by the special grand jury.

The newly released report indicates there was some dissent among the 23 special grand jurors and three alternates assigned to hear evidence related to the election probe.

Lawyer Techno Fog shared the information on X in a bombshell post. Here’s what he said:

Here’s a closeup of the documents he shared:


Here’s a quick reminder about who served as the grand jury forewoman. Given this context, the “insanity” of the situation should make perfect sense.

Unfortunately, this kind of tyranny and weaponization of the justice system will continue. Essentially, the regime can indict whomever they want through these mock trials, primarily because the GOP largely consists of cowardly hacks who are essentially foot soldiers for the uni-party regime.