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Nobody will ever accuse Joe Biden of being a good dog owner or a good father. After all, most of us have read his daughter’s diary where she describes “inappropriate showers” with her touch-feely father. We’ve also seen how his spoiled, womanizing, drug addict son Hunter behaves, and the damage he’s caused. Joe Biden will never be anybody’s “father of the year.” And don’t get us started on those poor German Shepherds of his who are constantly biting people. It seems like wherever Joe goes, bad vibes are sure to follow. So, at this point, should we even be shocked that Joe’s latest pup, Commander, just clocked his 12th bite victim? Probably not, if you remember his last German Shepherd, Major, had to find a new home because he was chomping on folks too.

German Shepherds are stellar dogs when they’re in the hands of stellar owners. So what does that say about Joe Biden? Simply put, he’s as much a flop at being a dad as he is at dog-owning. Clearly, the man’s lost when it comes to leading either pups or people. And now, thanks to a clear lack of training, love, and nurturing, yet another Biden “family member” is facing upheaval and possible re-homing. Poor Commander–he deserved better than this.


President Joe Biden’s younger dog, Commander, bit another US Secret Service agent at the White House Monday evening, CNN has learned, the 11th known biting incident involving the 2-year-old German Shepherd.

“Yesterday around 8 p.m., a Secret Service Uniformed Division police officer came in contact with a First Family pet and was bitten. The officer was treated by medical personnel on complex,” USSS chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi told CNN in a statement.

The injured officer spoke with Secret Service Uniformed Division Chief Alfonso M. Dyson Sr. on Tuesday and is doing OK, Guglielmi said.

Commander has been involved in at least 11 biting incidents at the White House and in Delaware, according to CNN reporting and US Secret Service email correspondence, including a November 2022 incident where an officer was hospitalized after the dog clamped down on their arms and thighs.

White House officials said in July that the Bidens were working through new training and leashing protocols for the family pet following the incidents.

Asked by CNN whether the new training had taken place or if any further action would be sought, Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for the first lady, said in a statement that “the First Family continues to work on ways to help Commander handle the often unpredictable nature of the White House grounds.”

Interestingly, experts often list German Shepherds as one of the least suitable dog breeds for seniors. Add to this Joe Biden’s obvious dementia, and it becomes crystal clear that in his frail and confused condition he has no business owning such a powerful dog.

Story Point:

German Shepherds are intelligent dogs with extreme loyalty. They are all purpose workers that can take on multiple tasks at once. This breed is courageous, confident, gentle and loving. These traits make great guardians and family dogs. However, other aspects of a German Shepherd make them a bad fit for seniors.


This active breed requires exercising for a minimum of two hours daily. These dogs are athletic in nature and want to keep active beyond one daily walk. As a herding dog, they need tasks to keep them busy. This allows for both mental and physical stimulation that German Shepherds crave. Tasks can include:


German Shepherds may come off as tough due to their size and reputation. However, this breed is also gentle and loving when they aren’t hard at work. They love to play around and be active which is why the ideal owner for this breed is active and experienced pet owners.

worst dog breeds chart

Joe Biden would be better off owning a gentle, lovable pug. But it was never about the “best breed” for this confused old man with a history of neglect and poor parenting. His team opted for a German Shepherd as a public relations stunt. They wanted to make Joe look like a “strong” man with an equally robust dog companion. Clearly, that backfired and sadly, turned into more than one instance of dog abuse. Likewise, Hunter and Ashley probably never imagined they’d share so much in common with a couple of neglected, poorly-trained dogs.