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Could this be the end for the Biden Boys? Is justice finally catching up to these two narcissistic crooks, setting the stage for them to get what’s coming to them? While it’s too early to tell and we remain highly skeptical, one thing is clear: Dems seem very eager to distance themselves from Simple Joe. This alone could signal that his goose is cooked. Inside the Biden White House, you could cut the tension with a knife. Insiders paint a grim picture of disarray. The administration is allegedly teetering on the edge of chaos—a perfect backdrop for the most inept administration in U.S. history as they brace for impact.

Headline USA:

The White House is gearing up with a rapid response team as House Republicans throw their weight behind an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, who is currently facing numerous scandals.

White House aides are growing frustrated at the scorching allegations of bribery, political interference in the criminal investigation of Biden’s son, Hunter Biden and allegations of influence peddling totaling millions of dollars in payments received by the Biden family.

According to Politico, the Biden administration is bracing itself for a barrage of negative headlines and unexpected twists as House Republicans unveil more incriminating evidence related to their investigation against Biden.

Despite dismissing the mounting allegations as false, the White House has taken proactive steps by assembling a crisis management team. As reported by Politico, this team consists of approximately a dozen attorneys, legislative assistants, and communications professionals who are crafting strategies to effectively combat the looming scandals.

Things might be unfolding more quickly than we think. With primary season already here, Dems are under pressure to put their new contender in the spotlight, sooner rather than later. According to Jim Jordan, the White House is fully aware of the storm that’s brewing around them.

“The White House is getting ready because they know what’s likely to happen later this month… If we need to go to the Impeachment Inquiry phase of our oversight work, we will do that…

Mr. Comer subpoenaed documents and individuals from DHS and the Secret Service today. Chairman Smith has subpoenaed individuals from the IRS who were part of the investigation into Hunter Biden.

We have subpoenaed individuals from the IRS and FBI who were part of the investigation of Hunter Biden. We want them in for depositions.”

@RepJamesComer: “The evidence is overwhelming. The White House announced today they’re creating a war room as opposed to cooperating with our investigation…

We’ve caught Joe Biden in countless lies about his knowledge and involvement in his family’s shady business deals…

Even members of the moderate wing of our party are realizing this could potentially be the biggest political scandal in my lifetime. We have a President who has evidence that his family has taken over $20 million from foreign nationals.

We have sworn testimony and emails that show that the President was doing favors in exchange for this money his family is receiving.”

At this point, there are two likely scenarios. First, Biden might recognize that the “friendly fire” is coming from within his own camp, and declare that he’s too ill to run in 2024—promptly making the impeachment and investigations disappear. On the flip side, he might dig in his heels, giving Republicans all the ammunition they need to ensure Biden has no chance of running in 2024. How do you see this playing out?