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Granholm’s so-called “eco-friendly” road trip from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Memphis, Tennessee, was a stunt designed to shine a spotlight on the White House’s absurd spending on (failed) green tech and electric cars. It’s all part of their grand scheme to force Americans to embrace a totally new lifestyle by pushing us all into electric vehicles, whether we like it or not. Ironically, Granholm’s green journey turned out to be more of a cautionary tale than a victory lap. Not only was she forced to constantly charge her car for lengthy periods of time, but at one point, Americans called the cops on her while she was at a charging station.


The cops were called because Granholm’s advance team used a gasoline-powered car to block access to an electric charging spot for her. On a “sweltering day,” the Granholm team’s gas guzzler just sat there, NPR reports, until a family with a baby got “so upset” they called the cops.

But even with advance teams trying to ease Granholm’s way in their gas guzzlers, the trip was still a debacle:

But between stops, Granholm’s entourage at times had to grapple with the limitations of the present. Like when her caravan of EVs — including a luxury Cadillac Lyriq, a hefty Ford F-150 and an affordable Bolt electric utility vehicle — was planning to fast-charge in Grovetown, a suburb of Augusta, Georgia.

Her advance team realized there weren’t going to be enough plugs to go around. One of the station’s four chargers was broken, and others were occupied. So an Energy Department staffer tried parking a nonelectric vehicle by one of those working chargers to reserve a spot for the approaching secretary of energy.

And that’s when the cops were called:

The sheriff’s office couldn’t do anything. It’s not illegal for a non-EV to claim a charging spot in Georgia. Energy Department staff scrambled to smooth over the situation, including sending other vehicles to slower chargers, until both the frustrated family and the secretary had room to charge.


Road trips are supposed to be fun, not stressful. The last thing you want to worry about is getting stuck on the side of the road. And the best-case scenario is that you find a working, available fast charger, but you’re still looking at a 30-minute stop.

All Granholm managed to demonstrate is that America doesn’t have the infrastructure in place to become an “electric country.” We’re also not going to flip our lives upside down so a handful of wealthy liberal CEOs can turn their green companies into billion-dollar cash cows.