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It was a crime that shocked the nation. Two teenagers rammed their car into an elderly cyclist on a Nevada road in August. The two perps laughed as they filmed their disgusting act that killed 64-year-old retired police officer Andreas Probst. One perp was black, the other was Hispanic. Their victim was white.
GRAPHIC—A minor driving a stolen Hyundai Elantra went on a rampage in Northwest Las Vegas, crashing into at least one car and slamming into the back of a cyclist, killing him in the process.
Retired police chief, Andreas Probst, spent 35 years in law enforcement. pic.twitter.com/knhwapZzi5
— the Mancave (@Skibro5) September 17, 2023
We all know what would happen if the races were reversed here. The story would receive wall-to-wall coverage on CNN and become an international news story. A racial angle would immediately be established and amplified to ten. The media would say the cyclist was “lynched” in an act reminiscent of the Jim Crow South. The single incident would be used to indict all white Americans as so-called “racists.” The family of the black victim would come out to demand radical social change to ensure nothing like this ever happens again. Everyone from journalists to politicians would ensure this tragedy became an important cultural event.
None of that is happening in the murder of Andy Probst. Local media first covered his death as a simple accident while Probst’s family wants this to be seen as an isolated incident that has nothing to do with race.
“We as a family in no way feel that Andy’s murder was based on race or profession,” Taylor Probst, the victim’s daughter, said at a news conference last week. “It was a random act of violence. We ask you to not politicize or use Andy’s murder to fuel political agendas or to create cultural wars.”
Of course, every family is allowed to cope with such a tremendous loss in its own way. But this type of response follows a curious and disturbing pattern for whites reacting to the deaths of their loved ones at the hands of non-whites. White family members will often rush to dismiss a racial element to a heinous crime. Sometimes they will even declare that they forgive and defend their loved one’s killer.
While the act of forgiving one’s trespassers is a laudable act of Christian morality, it is important to remember what forgiveness is not. According to Pope John Paul II, forgiveness “does not cancel out the objective requirements of justice.” It does not mean “indulgence towards evil, towards scandals, towards injury, or insult.” The necessary conditions for forgiveness include “reparation for evil and scandal, compensation for injury, and satisfaction for insult.”
There are numerous examples lately in which the mandatory white response is exactly the type of indulgence and coddling of evil and denial of reality that John Paul II warned about.
One outrageous example came from the Bay Area earlier this year. Jennifer Angel, a bakery owner and proud Black Lives Matter supporter, was killed after scuffling with black robbers in February. Her family came out and demanded the men responsible for her death don’t face jail time. “We know Jen would not want to continue the cycle of harm by bringing state-sanctioned violence to those involved in her death or to other members of Oakland’s rich community,” the family said.
Most families don’t go that far. But they still want the public to know that they reject “hate” and forgive their loved one’s killer.
Last October, two blacks fatally shot Elijah DeWitt, a high school football player in Gwinnett County, Georgia, during a botched robbery. His family felt the most important message to deliver to the community was that “hate has no home here.”
“Forgiveness is for the forgiver,” Craig DeWitt, the father, said at the time. “We don’t want the hate in this household.”
A Somali man threw a white five year old off a Mall of America balcony in 2019. The boy, Landen Hoffman, survived the attack and the assailant received a lengthy jail sentence last year. Like the DeWitt family, the Hoffman family wanted the world to know that it harbored no hate over the horrific act. Kari Hoffman, Landen’s mother, told the media that she forgave the Somali. Why? Because she believed she needed to do so that “God can do what he needs to do in your life.”

While it is laudable to forgive one’s killer and extinguish hatred and resentment of fellow man in one’s heart, there is a fine line between forgiving a killer and appearing to indulge the evil that the murder represents. After all, the Psalms instruct us that,
You that love the Lord, hate evil: the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints, he will deliver them out of the hand of the sinner.
St. Thomas Aquinas writes that,
It is lawful to hate the sin in one’s brother, and whatever pertains to the defect of Divine justice… Now it is part of our love for our brother that we hate the fault and the lack of good in him, since desire for another’s good is equivalent to hatred of his evil.
And according to the Catholic Encyclopedia,
[Hating sin] is not a sin and may even represent a virtuous temper of soul. In other words, not only may I, but I even ought to, hate what is contrary to the moral law. Furthermore one may without sin go so far in the detestation of wrongdoing as to wish that which for its perpetrator is a very well-defined evil, yet under another aspect is a much more signal good. For instance, it would be lawful to pray for the death of a perniciously active heresiarch with a view to putting a stop to his ravages among the Christian people.
Of course, it is clear that this apparent zeal must not be an excuse for catering to personal spite or party rancour. Still, even when the motive of one’s aversion is not impersonal, when, namely, it arises from the damage we may have sustained at the hands of others, we are not guilty of sin unless besides feeling indignation we yield to an aversion unwarranted by the hurt we have suffered.
Black families such as George Floyd’s relatives aggressively push for political change to favor their own interests in response to their loved one’s death. In doing so, they loudly and publicly seek for what they believe is justice, and spend little time talking about forgiveness. White families, on the contrary, will sometimes aggressively push for political change in opposition to justice after their loved one’s death.
There’s no better example of this than that of Mollie Tibbetts’ family. An illegal alien raped and murdered Tibbetts in 2018. Donald Trump Jr. and other conservatives highlighted the brutal slaying to show the dangers of illegal immigration. Tibbetts own family rallied to the defense of illegal immigrants. “[D]o not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist,” her father, Rob Tibbetts, declared in an op-ed. He added a heartfelt apology to Hispanics over criticism they may face following his daughter’s death:
“To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology. That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong. We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food.”
Tibbetts mother outdid the dad–she housed a migrant friend of her daughter’s killer.
A similar event happened in Germany just a few years before Tibbetts’s murder. Sixteen-year-old Maria Ladenburger was raped and murdered by an Afghan migrant in 2016. Her family didn’t call for immigration to be restricted or for the government to increase deportations. Instead, they asked for people to donate to a refugee charity.
Arguably, the most famous example of this is Amy Biehl. Biehl was a young aid worker in South Africa when she was brutally murdered by blacks in 1993. The attack was explicitly anti-white as her killers chanted “Kill the Boer!” (which the mainstream media now considers a non-hateful phrase) while beating and stabbing Biehl to death. Her family forgave the killers and started a charity to advance racial equality in South Africa.
Why do so many whites react this way?
It could just evince how well the system has conditioned them. Ever since they were children, they were told to never notice race and treat black-on-white attacks as isolated incidents. To think differently is impolite at best and hateful at worst. Mass media and public education has done a number on the white worldview. Racialized guilt has become so deeply ingrained into the psycho-spiritual life of Western whites that it has even received expression in various religious rituals.
But it may not all be a natural result of social conditioning. As it turns out, the Department of Justice has a service specifically designed to ensure whites don’t get the wrong idea about minority crimes. The Community Relations Service bills itself as “America’s Peacemaker” for:
communities facing conflict based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. CRS works toward its mission by providing facilitated dialogue, mediation, training, and consultation to assist these communities to come together, develop solutions to the conflict, and enhance their capacity to independently prevent and resolve future conflict.
A recent example of CRS activity was interfering with a Virginia school board that upset the transgender lobby. Roanoke County recently implemented clear rules on gender-assigned bathrooms, pronouns, and names used for students. Transgender activists objected to these rules and aggressively protested at school board meetings. The CRS contacted the school board to offer its “services” to reduce community tensions. This interference appeared to favor the transgender lobby over that of parents.
On July 31, 2023, Hannah Levine of the Department of Justice’s “Community Relations Service” sent an email to Roanoke County Public Schools, stating: “CRS is aware of ongoing community tensions in Roanoke County following the release of the new model policies for transgender students. I’d like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support and services as you work to manage conflict with the community related to this.”
It is unclear why CRS would inject itself into an issue that is properly one for the Commonwealth of Virginia and Roanoke County Public Schools. What is clear, however, is that CRS has positioned itself not as a neutral arbitrator of issues related to transgenders but as a government entity that is fully behind the Biden Administration’s radical transgender agenda.
The CRS also intervened when Somali migrants killed a white man in Lewiston, Maine in 2018. State police said race fueled the murder of Donald Giust. The violence highlighted the danger of the new arrivals, but CRS wanted the local whites to ignore that problem.
When a white man (Donald Giusti) was killed by a Somali gang in Maine in 2018, the DOJ’s “Community Relations Service” immediately swooped in to “ease racial tensions”. The Somali man convicted was sentenced to only 9 months after pleading no contest to criminal negligence! pic.twitter.com/9nkcagY6Ug
— The Obscurantist (@TObscurantist) September 21, 2023
The federal service came in with the purpose of easing “racial tensions” by making the natives learn cultural sensitivity and respect for Islam. The CRS’s efforts appeared to succeed as the town kept bringing in more Somalis without further disturbance. One might wonder how the CRS’s promotion of the transgender agenda reconciles with their alleged respect for Islam. The apparent contradiction is resolved when one realizes that anything that humiliates or contributes to the dispossession of traditional America is very much part of the CRS portfolio.
It should not come as a surprise then to discover that the CRS has partnered with notoriously disgraced, anti-white, anti-American organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (an organization so ridiculous that it counts gestures such as the “OK sign” as hate symbols).
Representatives from the FBI will discuss hate crime statistics, local hate crime investigations and the FBI’s collaboration with local partners. The event will also include speakers from the Anti-Defamation League and the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service will discuss their respective roles in interfacing with the community and stakeholders to monitor and address acts of hate locally and nationally.
To its great credit, the Trump Administration sought to defund this organization. One of Merrick Garland’s top priorities of course was reinstating the funding.
It’s not a stretch to wonder if CRS was dispatched to Nevada to lower “racial tensions” over Andy Probst’s death. The government would want the Probst family to chastise Americans for connecting their loved one’s death to larger problems. The regime would prefer if everyone saw it as a random tragedy and to avoid uncomfortable conclusions.
The CRS apparently did not tell the families of George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery to avoid blaming race for their loved one’s death. Those events sowed much discord in our country and led to greater tensions. But no one seemed to pressure those families to calm things down. It seems this is only necessary when a white person is killed by non-whites.
There is no proper way to respond to the murder of your parent, sibling, or child. Some will choose to publicly forgive, others will demand harsh punishment, and a few will want social change. But whites are allowed one response if a non-white kills their beloved family member. They must disavow any racial implication and see the crime as a tragedy you can’t do anything about.
That’s just the (white) American way.
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