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Undoubtedly, Howard Stern is one of the most controversial public figures in America. This is the creep who amassed his fortune as a “shock jock,” engaging in some of the most distasteful and repulsive antics for the sake of attention and money. Nowadays, Howard would prefer that you forget his deviant and disgusting past as he delves into politics, taking aim at Republicans like Lauren Boebert, whom he labels the “disgrace of the nation” for getting “frisky” with her date during a Beetlejuice show.


On the Monday edition of SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show, Stern was asked by a caller to share his thoughts about the incident.

“Lauren Boebert is a disgrace to this country! Forget the politics. She’s in a t*tty dress. She’s with some dude. Looks like she’s obviously vaping, but also looks like she might be grabbing his penis during Beetlejuice,” Stern said.

“Is Beetlejuice a sexy play?” co-host Robin Quivers asked.

“It’s a very erotic play evidently. I remember the movie, there was nothing sexy about it,” Stern joked.

It’s worth noting that Howard is also the same guy who advocated for sacrificing your livelihood, freedom, and life  over a cold virus.

Western Lensman:

🎦FLASHBACK: Howard Stern made the news yesterday, labeling @laurenboebert a “disgrace to the country.”

Whatever you think about Boebert, Howard lecturing anyone about disgraceful behavior is laughable.

This is the same lunatic who said “F*** YOUR FREEDOM” while advocating the government compel you to take a vaccine that neither prevented infection or stopped transmission. He also laughed at people dying from the disease.

You tell me what’s “disgraceful.”


However, Howard’s past is significantly more concerning than his Marxist stance on COVID. As Howard continues to make appearances in various publications, consistently criticizing Lauren Boebert, there’s something very important we’d like for you to remember. It turns out that Howard Stern is the same ghoul who, just one day after the Columbine massacre, suggested that the shooters should have raped the young girls before killing them.

This is from a 1999 Fair article (emphasis ours):

It’s hard to find a way to worsen the horror of the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, but Howard Stern found it—just one day after the murders, on his April 21, 1999 radio show (syndicated by Infinity Broadcasting, a CBS subsidiary).

While considering the motives of the male students who murdered 12 classmates and one teacher, the “shock jock” mused:

There were some really good-looking girls running out with their hands over their heads. Did those kids try to have sex with any of the good-looking girls? They didn’t even do that? At least if you’re going to kill yourself and kill all the kids, why wouldn’t you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, I’d take them out with sex.

From the Rocky Mountain News (4/24/99), the first to report Stern’s comments, to the Boston Globe (5/1/99), which eventually ran a column calling Stern “antisocial,” a number of broadcast journalists, talk radio hosts and print reporters took notice of Stern’s remarks. While some reporters rejected criticism of Stern as censorious, most took umbrage, labeling his comments “insensitive” and “upsetting.” The Washington Post (4/28/99) found Stern’s cracks “outrageous”; the Denver Post (4/27/99) considered his mockery “hurtful” and “out of bounds.”

Despite the hue and cry about Stern’s lack of sensitivity to Littleton families, however, an extensive search of the Nexis database during this time period could find no member of the mainstream press who presented Stern’s Columbine comments as what they were: advocacy of rape.

In fact, virtually no one debating Stern’s comments has even mentioned the words “rape” or “sexual assault.” But when a radio personality with millions of fans wonders why Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, in the middle of their gun-waving, bomb-planting, hostage-taking rampage, didn’t take the time to “have some sex,” rape is exactly what he’s encouraging. Unless, of course, Stern doesn’t quite get that a girl with a gun to her head can’t consent to sex.

Stern not only proclaimed his shock that armed young men passed up the chance to rape young women before they murdered them–he revealed that, in their shoes, he would not have let that opportunity slip by. When he said, “If I was going to kill some people, I’d take them out with sex,” his endorsement of sexual violence was stunning in its clarity.

The news here is not that Stern “crossed the line” or made “one or two inappropriate comments,” as Bob Visotcky, manager of Denver radio station KXPK-FM, claimed in a pro forma apology on April 26. Offensive and disrespectful comments are the bread-and-butter of Stern’s workday; he’s based his multi-million-dollar career on an exceedingly crude, snide and insolent persona.

What is news is that the “shock jock” openly advocated rape on his show, and that he “joked” about himself as a potential rapist. Stern matter-of-factly imagining himself sexually assaulting “a bunch of good-looking girls” is not exactly the party line offered in many a mainstream account of off-the-air Howard, supposedly a “really nice guy” who is respectful and loving toward women (e.g., New York Times, 3/10/97).

Sex pest Howard Stern, of people, has no room to call anybody a “disgrace.” Perhaps Mr. Stern needs to remember his dark and seedy past, and the reprehensible things he’s said and done before pointing the finger at others. In addition, while he’s at it, if he really wants to be “outraged,” he should take a look at some other videos online, like the ones where Joe Biden appears to grope young girls and women.