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Truth always has a way of revealing itself, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing unfold across the United States. Amidst the left’s unjust and immoral attacks on Trump, his supporters, and our fundamental freedoms, a spirit of defiance is awakening. Americans, long lulled into complacency, are growing restless as they begin to see through the deceit peddled by their government.

Two recent events that we’ve dubbed the “Twin Takedowns” signal what appears to be divine justice in action, particularly targeting two of America’s most hot-button election issues: soaring crime and open borders . The first takedown is a real eye-opener involving New York City’s Mayor Adams. Remember, this is the same guy who campaigned on maintaining NYC as a “sanctuary city.” But now, after dealing with the reality of Biden’s border crisis, Adams is feverishly waving the white flag. He’s essentially admitting that the progressive stance on illegal immigration, open borders, and sanctuary cities is not just flawed — it’s devastating and will completely destroy his city.

Mayor Adams and other Dems have just received a hard-hitting life lesson, but that’s just one karmic blow against the left. The next strike occurred in Minneapolis and serves as a direct rebuke to the immoral and unjust “Defund the Police” movement led by the Marxist group Black Lives Matter.

BLM has singlehandedly emboldened thugs while putting decent, law-abiding citizens in grave danger. Due to this “soft-on-crime” approach from the left, the quality of life in liberal-run cities has gone from bad to downright deadly. And now, one of the women who led the charge in implementing dangerous  “Defund the Police” polices has reaped what she sowed.

Democrat chairwoman Shivanthi Sathanandan, who rallied to defund the police, was just violently car jacked in front of her kids and now, suddenly, she wants “JUSTICE” for herself.

Just a reminder of what Shivanthi vowed to do in her city:

Fox News:

A Democratic Party leader thanked the Minneapolis police and pushed to prosecute youths “running wild” after she was carjacked Tuesday, despite previous support for dismantling the department.

Shivanthi Sathanandan, the 2nd Vice Chairwoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, posted on Facebook Wednesday that she was “violently carjacked” by “four very young men, all carrying guns.” She said they assaulted her in front her children outside their home in broad daylight. She also included a photo of her head injuries and reported having a “broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts” around her body as well as feeling “rage” against the lack of accountability against criminals.

“These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot erase. With no hesitation and no remorse,” Sathanandan wrote.

She continued, “I’m now part of the statistics. I wasn’t silent when I fought these men to save my life and my babies, and I won’t be silent now. We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM. PERIOD.”

This is the “selfie” Shivanthi took of herself after the attack:

It’s hard to muster sympathy for her, isn’t it? For those who’ve been put in real danger by this misguided “woke” woman, her cries for justice likely fall on deaf ears. What people may find satisfying, however, is the divine lesson God has delivered to her: a public admission that she and her ideologically twisted colleagues have been pushing lies and failed policies that hurt the community.

God is sweeping through the progressive movement like a tempest, overturning tables and reducing their platform to ashes with “sulfur and fire,” thanks to their moral failings and wickedness — and it’s a sight many are happy to see.