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Fox News Channel is once again revealing its true globalist colors, particularly in its coverage of the capture of convicted illegal alien murderer Danelo Cavalcante, who brutally murdered his girlfriend by stabbing her over 30 times in front of her children, and then escaped by “spider-walking” out of  prison.

When broadcasting the capture video, Fox News conspicuously omitted the crucial fact that Cavalcante is an illegal alien who should never have been in the country to begin with. Take a look at their chyron:

The capture was both powerful and dramatic. However, the most significant aspect of this story is that he should never have been in the country in the first place. THAT is the story…

Unfortunately, Fox News wasn’t the only media outlet that overlooked the fact that Cavalcante is an illegal alien. Virtually every major news organization followed suit.

Fox 29:

The frantic manhunt for an escaped killer that sent hundreds of law enforcement agents swarming through terrified communities has come to an end after the fugitive was taken into custody two weeks later.

Danelo Cavalcante, 34, escaped Chester County Prison on Aug. 31 by scaling a prison wall, climbing through razor wire and jumping from the roof to freedom. His escape triggered a massive manhunt in lush terrain of Longwood Gardens that continued 20 miles north when police say he slipped through their original perimeter in a stolen van.

The search came to a “successful conclusion” when the escaped killer was taken into custody alive shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday, 14 days after the search began, official announced during a press conference Wednesday.

Law enforcement’s final push began overnight when officers responded to a burglar alarm at home near Prizer Road in Pottstown.

Cavalcante was still not located, however, officials say the report led to a heat signal being tracked by aircraft and tactical teams around 1 a.m. Wednesday before storms in the area interrupted the search.

Teams were able to move in quietly several hours later, surrounding Cavalcante with the “element of surprise,” Pennsylvania State Police said.

When the escaped killer tried to elude capture armed with a stolen rifle, he was subdued by a K9 before being forcibly taken into custody, according to officials.

Cavalcante did suffer a bite wound, but officials say no shots were fired during the capture. No injuries were reported to any law enforcement or the public.

Let’s be honest, the issue of “fake news” and “propaganda” isn’t just about what’s reported; it’s equally about what’s deliberately left out. These state-influenced or anti-populist networks and publications manipulate information to promote or uphold their narrative and agenda. But when Fox News engages in such behavior, especially after branding itself as a “conservative-leaning” network, it’s truly disheartening. Here’s what some online users had to say about Fox News playing into the left-wing PC game:

“Never the whole story. Imagine that.”

“Fox is trash. How does any true conservative still watch Sean Hannity?”

“Fox News gets worse by the day.”

“Anybody still watching Fox News is helping to support left-wing propaganda, I hope you realize that.”

“Not surprising. Remember when Fox News celebrated that trans boy? They’re complete garbage.”

In all fairness, OANN also neglected to point out that Calvalcante was an illegal.

Conservative or so-called “conservative” networks need to be smarter and express views boldly and stop avoiding straightforward discussions. Is it possible that the left’s censorship scheme was even more successful than we initially thought?