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Is the left creating an army of chemically-controlled violent, and deviant mentally ill soldiers? It’s a loaded question, but given stories like the one we’re about to delve into, it’s hard not to question their endgame. When you start tampering with people’s hormones and essentially try to rewire their very essence, you’re inevitably playing with fire.. As a matter of fact, one Pub Med study showed that women receiving testosterone had a surge in their sex drive: Most female-to-male transsexual persons report on a marked increase in sexual desire after testosterone treatment and SRS.

This can get very scary and dangerous, as we’re about to find out.

An account called “SF Public Safety News,” a group dedicated to shining a light of truth on the violence occurring in the City by The Bay, shared a disturbing story on X centering around a woman daycare worker who took testosterone shots to transition into a “man” and had such a surge in her libido, that she began sexually abusing children. Here’s what SF Public Safety News said on X:

A woman re­ceiv­ing high doses of testos­terone in a bid to switch gen­ders – treat­ment that had “noth­ing short of med­ically dis­as­trous” li­bido-boost­ing ef­fects – was sen­tenced to 25 years’ im­pris­on­ment to­day for a cat­a­log of child abuse con­ducted at the San Fran­cisco and Liv­er­more day­care cen­ters where she worked.

Jace Wong, 28, born Robyn Danielle Wong, had ear­lier pleaded guilty to seven counts of pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion and pos­ses­sion of child pornog­ra­phy. She was de­scribed by pros­e­cu­tors as “a sys­tem­atic preda­tor of tod­dler and preschool aged chil­dren” whose con­duct was “among the worst imag­in­able.”

Wong filmed naked and par­tially-dressed boys and girls in her care be­fore shar­ing them with other pe­dophiles in in­ter­net chat rooms. She ma­nip­u­lated chil­drens’ gen­i­tals and en­cour­aged them to touch her in­ap­pro­pri­ately, de­scrib­ing in graphic de­tail fur­ther abuse she wished to per­pe­trate. Her phone con­tained videos cre­ated by oth­ers which in­clud­ing footage of the gravest pos­si­ble sex­ual abuse of young chil­dren.

The court was told that the testos­terone Wong re­ceived for her ‘gen­der tran­si­tion’ ther­apy, cou­pled with her con­gen­i­tal di­ag­no­sis of Triple X syn­drome, re­sulted in a calami­tous in­crease in her sex­ual urges and li­bido.

“It is ar­guable that the med­ical pro­fes­sion­als in­volved in [Wong’s] gen­der tran­si­tion should have ex­er­cised greater over­sight and pro­vided more guid­ance to this, at the time, young woman about the po­ten­tial bi­o­log­i­cal in­ter­ac­tions of testos­terone and [her] ge­netic dis­or­der,” wrote at­tor­neys for the de­fen­dant.

“This is a hor­rific case,” said U.S. Dis­trict Judge James Do­nate this morn­ing. “In nine years on the bench this is the first case I’ve had that in­volved the ac­tual phys­i­cal abuse of chil­dren and, in that sense, it is the gravest and the most se­ri­ous and most rep­re­hen­si­ble crime that I have seen with re­spect to child pornog­ra­phy.”

Here is some additional information on this disturbing story:


An employee of a San Francisco daycare center who pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing child pornography has been sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, the U.S. Department of Justice said Monday.

Jace Wong, 26, was taken into custody in April 2021 after an undercover officer allegedly linked him to a video during a chat of a girl between 4 and 6 years old with her pants down and vagina exposed. Officers were able to identify Wong and his location through his cell phone and arrest him. Officers also discovered the black and white tiled bathroom in which the child was standing in the childcare facility. Other videos and images from that bathroom were also discovered, prosecutors said.

Wong used the social media app Kik to join an online group called “Younger love [heart emoji] [heart emoji]” that shared the images.

Wong also showed agents a hidden file on his phone with 428 media files, “many of which contained videos and images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct,” according to the FBI.

Additionally, agents found an 8-minute-long video depicting sexual activity between a man and an underage girl.

Wong has previously worked in other daycare facilities, including one in Livermore.

In reality, a 25-year sentence falls short for this monster—she should be incarcerated for life. But what’s even more urgent is addressing the societal risks created by hormone manipulation. This issue demands public attention, and legislation must be enacted to stop the chemical alteration and weaponization of humans, all under the perverse banner of “progress.”