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Obama was the nation’s first black president. However, was he also our nation’s first gay president as well? That’s what many people have long-suspected; as Obama isn’t exactly a picture of masculinity.

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The issue of Obama’s sexuality came hurling back into the news recently mfollowing the revelation that he wrote letters to an ex-girlfriend openly discussing his fantasies about being with men. This has reignited both old and new rumors. Naturally, the name Larry Sinclair resurfaced in these new discussions. Tucker Carlson didn’t hold back this time, suggesting that rumors about Obama being gay are “clearly true.” The topic came up during his appearance on “The Adam Carolla Show,” Carlson brought up Larry Sinclair, who was ridiculed by many in the media when he came forward saying he had smoked crack and had sex with Obama back in 1999.

Tucker had this to say to Adam Carolla: “In 2008, it was pretty evident that Obama had relationships with men and had used crack.” Tucker went on: “Larry Sinclair came forward, willing to sign an affidavit and take a lie detector test, claiming, ‘I smoked crack and had sexual relations with Barack Obama.’ It was obviously true.” Tucker elaborated that the media’s reluctance to cover this story wasn’t due to any prudishness about sex or drug use, but because the Obama campaign threatened to revoke access for any outlet that reported on it. “So, no one touched the story,” Tucker concluded.

The likely appeal for Tucker is that Larry Sinclair has gone to great lengths, like signing affidavits and taking lie detector tests, to make his case credible. It’s no wonder Tucker would want to talk with someone like that. With Tucker no longer at Fox News, where there was some level of control over his commentary, it’s now a free-for-all. Tucker can speak his mind on any subject, free from restraint, and he’s clearly ready to do that.