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Top pollster Richard Baris claims to have discovered the “secret sauce” for continuous GOP election victories, yet the RNC refuses to act. Why? Well, the reason is deceptively simple in concept but very complex in its execution.

When we take off  our rose-colored glasses and honestly look at the dynamic between the GOP and Democratic Party, the real situation becomes crystal clear. Despite claims of a staunch “two-party” political system, it’s actually one uni-party. There is one politcal party driven by greed, money, and power; for our purposes, we’ll call it the “GMP Party.”

The GMP consists of two wings: right and left. However, there’s a distinct difference between these two sides. One side pushes an agenda, while the other — referred to as the loyal opposition party — exists merely to give the illusion of an ongoing battle. The Democrats act as the leadership party, and the Republicans play the role of loyal opposition, pretending to fight these epic battles through pointless hearings, useless rage tweets, and worthless PR soundbites. This façade creates a false sense of “us vs. them” and keeps the fundraising dollars slowing, but it’s all a total sham.

In reality, the GMP is a “uni-party” with its own agenda, which is completely disconnected from the interests of “we the people.” As a matter of fact, we are nothing more than an inconvenient and annoying obstacle that always gets in their way. The right doesn’t actually fight; they only give the appearance of fighting, so they can subtly advance the GMP agenda. This explains why, when an outsider like President Trump emerges, the establishment reacts so vehemently. An “outside” apple, in their eyes, spoils the whole bunch.

That’s why it’s so baffling when famed pollster Richard Baris repeatedly emphasizes that the GOP’s path to consistent, cheat-proof victories is as simple as registering voters and getting them to the polls. Yet the RNC, led by Ronna McDaniel, does next-to-nothing, seemingly frozen in inaction while the rest of the GOP snoozes at the wheel.

Here’s what Baris said in his post on X. This is an issue that he’s been passionately promoting for quite some time.

This is the bombshell poll that Baris is referring to:

This isn’t rocket science. Baris hasn’t uncovered some hidden treasure like the lost Ark of the Covenant. This is Politics 101, and Ronna McDaniel, along with everyone else in the GOP, knows it. Yet, they take no significant action to implement and capitalize on this surefire plan for victory.

But the donors are uninterested, for some reason, according to Larry Schweikart:

Baris and lawyer Robert Barnes presented a plan to register 700,000 in the Midwest swing states to donors, who blew them off. They would rather spend money on fancy ads that do not move the needle. But this is the gold mine. And right now these unregistered voters don’t care for Republicans—-but they would register to vote for Trump.

The reason is straightforward: the GOP are not meant to win big. They’re only supposed to secure enough victories in a controlled environment to keep the public lulled into a false sense of security. If we want to make real change, we need to do it ourselves, because the GOP is compromised from the top down.