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When you think of unlikeable sports figures, who comes to mind? For many, Colin Kaepernick is probably at the top of the list, closely followed by U.S. women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe. Megan, with her entitled “I deserve this” attitude combined with her open disdain for all things “U.S.A.”, might just be even more insufferable than Colin. The jury is still out on that one.

In the meantime, Megan has become notorious for her constant demands for equal pay compared to male soccer players, even though women’s soccer isn’t nearly as popular and doesn’t attract nearly as large an audience — the men’s sport generates a gazillion times more revenue than the women’s version. Despite being relatively unknown, Megan believes she should receive the same pay as athletes who actually draw large crowds. So, what’s the reason behind the lack of public interest in the recently retired Megan Rapinoe when she was a star player? Could it be her negative, anti-American attitude or her promotion of failed woke ideology, or just the simple fact women’s soccer is incredibly boring to watch? These likely contribute significantly, but we believe we’ve found the number one reason people don’t like Megan in a 17-second clip featuring Lionel Messi, a renowned Argentine soccer player, who loves his fans so much, he kisses them. This stands in stark contrast to how Megan Rapinoe treats her young fans – as if they’re lowly peasants, unworthy of even a passing glance.

Watch Messi:

Now watch Rapinoe:

This sort of toxic lesbianism is an absolute disgrace to humanity:

It’s truly disappointing to see how Megan Rapinoe squandered a golden opportunity to bring women’s soccer into the mainstream, presenting it with a patriotic and humble approach, with no politics or left-wing social agendas. Given the boring nature of the sport, perhaps it would have been a Sisyphean task anyways, but in any case, Megan’s self-centered nature took over. Much like Colin Kaepernick, her focus was solely on her own gains. Megan shows little genuine interest in the sport; instead, she was perfectly okay with undermining women’s soccer by isolating a significant portion of potential fans, all to bolster her personal “social justice street cred.” And when all is said and done, Megan miss a penalty shot, laughs it off, and casually walks away.

For Megan, it was always about the Benjamins, anyways.

Women’s sports was initially supposed to be more like the Special Olympics — a patriarchal gesture to make people feel good inside. (Aw, isn’t that nice? The girls get to kick the ball, too!)

It has metastasized, like so much in the GAE, into an ideological propaganda plank of the regime — no one watches it, it generates very little revenue, but the Regime and its media gleefully shove it into our faces ad nauseum.