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Perhaps nothing  better illuminates the bizarre form of corruption and chaos we experience today better than the concept of “anarcho-tyranny.” In short, anarcho-tyranny refers to the anarchy resulting from Democrats’ refusal to prosecute criminals for violent crimes and theft, and the tyranny resulting from the same Democrats’ aggressive prosecution of their political enemies. New York Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg represents a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny in action with his refusal to prosecute many basic crimes in New York, coupled with his contorting the law at the level of an Olympic gymnast to contrive a politically charged case against Trump.

The Biden regime embraces anarcho-tyranny enthusiastically, on the one hand convicting young men for innocent tweets mocking Hillary Clinton, indicting his chief political rival Trump with phony charges, and on the other hand presiding over the descent of many of America’s greatest cities into crime-ridden hellholes. One of the greatest examples of the “anarchy” side of things is Biden’s complete and utter failure to secure America’s border. Since Biden took office, over 6 million illegal immigrants have poured across the border, generating massive profits for the gruesome cartels and aggravating a festering sore of drugs, crime, and sex trafficking on our body politic.

Cartel-style brutality has come to America, courtesy of Biden’s lax border policies

The influx of migrants has contributed to massive social problems and crimes throughout the country. New York City has attempted to offload some of its excess to other areas in the state, with predictable results:

The situation is so bad that the prominent fast food chain Shake Shack had to close down its major locations in New York, as they had been repurposed as shelters for migrants.

New York Post:

Prominent New York City restaurateur Danny Meyer — who founded the wildly popular Shake Shack chain — is closing two of his eateries after the historic hotel they’re housed in became a migrant shelter.

The reasonable citizen might ask whether any of these illegal aliens are actually being detained, or are they all released into the American interior where they are often treated better than America’s own poor citizens? Given the enormous scale of the problem, it is indeed noteworthy that only 30,000 illegal immigrants are currently being detained by ICE, of which over 8,000 are convicted criminals and an additional 3,000 are awaiting charges.

For a variety of reasons, over ninety percent of illegal aliens detained by ICE are being held in private detention facilities. Far-left organizations, like the disgraced ACLU, that are opposed to all immigration enforcement and detention have therefore declared war on such private facilities in their effort to frustrate even the meager level of enforcement the Biden regime is willing to concede to an increasingly dispossessed American population. As long as one illegal immigrant is detained, Open Borders Biden is evidently not open borders enough for the likes of the ACLU.

Regime media outlet Reuters has jumped into the fray, taking Biden to task not for his complete failure to control the border, but for the fact that there remains, despite Biden, a modicum of detention still in place. Remarkably, the best sympathy case Reuters could find was that of a Liberian illegal immigrant with a rap sheet that includes multiple robberies, drug, and alcohol offenses.

Getting back to the concept of anarcho-tyranny, it appears that the ACLU is not always as passionate in its opposition to legal detention as it is in the case of noble illegal immigrants. Predictably enough, the ACLU defended Jack Smith’s ridiculous January 6 indictment against Trump.

Apart from his attack against the special interests and the foreign policy war machine, Trump’s bold statements calling for strong borders account for the lion’s share of hatred he has received from our corrupt regime. Trump put it famously and simply: “If we don’t have borders we don’t have a country.” The recent ACLU attacks against the very principle of the detention of illegal aliens is yet another reminder of why the regime is so dedicated to taking Trump out, and of why America desperately needs him back in the Oval Office to finish what he started.