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This entire nation owes a heartfelt thank you to the courageous IRS whistleblowers who exposed the truth about the coverup involving the Biden family and Hunter’s tax crimes. Without their intervention, the regime might have successfully buried this entire criminal affair, the Biden Boys to escape responsibility yet again.

Thankfully, that’s not how this is playing out, and now, the Biden Boys are in a panic, and Hunter’s lawyer is now jumping around the airwaves, making demands as if he’s the Mafia’s new Godfather or something.

Abbe also appeared on MSNBC talking about what a “great guy” Hunter is.

Lowell is shifting blame to everyone but his (formerly?) drug-addicted, criminal, perverted client.

If it’s not the Republicans’ fault, it’s MAGA’s fault.


Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell told CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins he’s “concerned” that ex-President Donald Trump and other “forces” could influence decisions in the special counsel investigation that was just announced.

That’s quite rich. How can this man express “concern” about political influences hindering a court case with a straight face, especially considering the political circus that’s been unleashed on President Trump? These hacks have no shame, whatsoever. The Mediaite piece continues:

On Friday afternoon, Attorney General Merrick Garland dropped a big announcement: he named David Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney who has been overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden — to be special counsel investigating Hunter Biden. The announcement comes weeks after a plea deal on three federal charges — two tax misdemeanors and one gun felony — fell apart, and the same week ex-President Donald Trump faced the first hearing in his federal indictment over January 6.

On Friday night’s edition of CNN’s The Source with Kaitlan Collins, Collins scored an exclusive interview with Lowell, and among other things asked him if he’s concerned about the investigation widening with the new announcement.

Lowell, who has to be losing sleep at night, now claims he’s only worried about pesky “outside influences” since none of the facts have changed. Mediaite provides the transcript:

LOWELL: Listen, one of the things you know about what’s happened is that Hunter has done everything right. Cooperated in an investigation, provided all the information, was willing to make sure that if something was found that he did wrong, he would accept responsibility for that. And that’s what he was going to do, and was willing to do.

The one thing he’s not willing to do, and will never do, is to accept responsibility, or say he did something he did not. So, as the charges were filed before, that fits into his idea of accepting responsibility. Should anything change? We will wait.

But he, and we, will defend him. We will bring to the attention of the court anything that’s appropriate. But I’m not, and we’re not there yet. Where we are is making sure every —

COLLINS: I mean, I understand what you’re saying.

LOWELL: Sorry.

COLLINS: But is anyone asking — no one’s asking Hunter Biden to accept responsibility, for something he didn’t do. I mean, these are things that he has admitted that that he did.

LOWELL: Yes. But you just said, are we concerned or upset or worried that there’ll be additional things, or that there’s more staff?


LOWELL: The answer to that is he has made very clear the mistake he made. And that’s all he has made a mistake about.

And so, am I concerned? I am only concerned that a force other than facts or law would influence any additional decision. And if this prosecutor, with a new title, now continues, in doing what he’s supposed to do, which is to follow the evidence, and follow the law, the conclusion should be the same.

COLLINS: When you say “Force,” who are you referencing?

LOWELL: Well, what I’m referencing is, and this is not a surprise or a secret, right?

From the moment, this arrangement and agreement has been announced and filed, you have every MAGA right-wing, fanatical person, yelling, and screaming, and saying, “It’s not right. And it’s not fair. And it’s not just.”

You have the former President, trying to use Hunter Biden, as a way to excuse his own conduct.

And, at some point, that could pierce, the noise could actually be so noisy, that it’d get in the way of the facts and the law. I am confident that a responsible prosecutor would not let that happen. And we’ll just have to wait and see.

The arrogance on display here is astounding. You have a grown up man-child, responsible for numerous crimes recorded on his laptop, crimes that would have most of us behind bars, yet his legal team is launching a public relations assault, making ridiculous demands, and expressing outrage that their pampered client isn’t being treated fairly. All the while, Joe Biden is attempting to jail his more popular political opponent just before the 2024 election. And somehow, they expect us to accept that this is what “democracy” looks like.