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Fox News ought to be ashamed of their behavior toward two prominent political figures after the GOP debate. As many know, President Trump made a savvy PR move by opting out of the GOP debate. Being so far ahead of the pack, it would have been beneath him to share the stage with his opponents and give them and Fox News a ratings boost. Instead, Trump sat down with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for an interview that’s now on track to capture over 200 million impressions on X.

The night’s biggest loser was unquestionably Fox News. Their petty and spiteful behavior was on full display in the post-debate spin room when they ordered security to remove two of our country’s most prominent political commentators: Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle. This was especially disgusting given Kimberly’s long history as part of the Fox News family when she was on “The Five.”

Don Jr. and Kimberly spoke on the record about the banning and expressed their outrage over Fox News’ blacklist. What is it about the truth that frightens these people so much?

Clearly, the battle lines are drawn, and Fox News has shown they’re not aligning with the majority of their viewers. It’s reminiscent of 2020 when they made that absurd Arizona call. Now, Fox News has their hands in the pot again, feverishly stirring away to aid the establishment and the regime silence  Trump once and for all.

We’ll wrap this up with some wise parting words from Steve Bannon that really nail down this whole “Fox News” mess perfectly.

If you want to send a message to Fox, just stop watching. It’s really that simple. Turn off your TV and walk away, and never look back.