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Jack Smith, the regime’s latest chew toy, isn’t exactly known for being a shrewd or meticulous attorney. In fact, Mr. Smith has the dubious honor of having one of his biggest cases unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court. So, when we hear whispers about the shaky foundations of his case(s) against President Trump, our ears definitely perk up. This is a guy who isn’t known for attention to detail — a flaw that may come back to haunt him big time as he attempts to carry out the regime’s agenda and put President Trump behind bars for good.

Today, we get these interesting little nuggets of information from investigative journalist Paul Sperry, who recently shared three particularly eye-catching rumors on X (Twitter).

The first post reveals that Smith, lacking concrete evidence to support his case, is relying heavily on emotional appeals in his indictment against Trump—probably as a way to sway jurors.

Here’s what Paul said:

In his next post, Sperry says the buzz around the Swamp is that Jack Smith’s “false statement” charges against President Trump are likely to be tossed. Here’s what Paul said:

Then finally, Pauls last post was both mysterious and intriguing. He reveals that the core basis of Smith’s obstruction case against Trump revolves around an emoji used in an email. Very strange, and sounds like it could be rather flimsy evidence as well.

Here’s what Paul said:

The majority of people in the comments believe the mysterious emoji Paul mentioned is likely a wastepaper basket: 🗑️

Interestingly, we’ve been told  time and time again that President Trump doesn’t use email, so it’s still unclear who sent the emoji in question. The details are fuzzy as of now, but we can expect to hear more about this as the case unfolds.