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Why are the writers over at the National Review (NRO) such sticks in the mud? Is it because they’re miserable, stuffy-shirt establishment hacks who hate to see the lowly peasants actually rise up and demand a better life for themselves and their families? That could be the case, especially after this latest article from one of their particularly butt-hurt journalists who decided to write a hit piece on the latest singing sensation, Oliver Anthony.

Anthony’s new “populist” Bluegrass song “Rich Men North of Richmond” went crazy viral and topped the iTunes chart. It’s essentially a middle-class protest song that calls out the rich men who’ve run this country into the ground. Who couldn’t get behind that theme? Well, the establishment over at NRO can’t. They’re not impressed by the “working man’s anthem” which slams scuzzy DC elites — like them.

From the party poopers at NRO:

In a world full of Nashville pop-country sludge, Anthony sings with an authentic passion, and many people were instantly taken with his raw and raspy voice. In just the time that you may have been on summer vacation, he came out of nowhere, going from a complete unknown to a musical celebrity as the song spread virally on YouTube and Twitter.

That’s a great American story, but I don’t understand the adulation on the right for this song’s message.

Anthony sings:

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

My brother in Christ, you live in the United States of America in 2023 — if you’re a fit, able-bodied man, and you’re working “overtime hours for bullshit pay,” you need to find a new job.

There’s plenty of them out there — jobs that don’t require a college degree, that offer good pay (especially in this tight labor market) and great benefits, especially if you’re willing to get your hands dirty by doing things like joining the Navy, turning wrenches, fixing pumps, laying pipe, or a hundred other jobs through which American men can still make a great living. If you’re the type of guy who’s willing to show up on time, every time, work hard while you’re on the clock, and learn hard skills — there’s a good-paying job out there for you. Go find it.

And if you go home and spend all night drowning your troubles away — either on TikTok or by drinking too much — my friend, that’s your fault, not Washington’s. Not that Washington is helping any — it’s not. But when we waste our lives, it’s still our own fault.

Mr. Mark Antonio Wright would have us believe that nothing is actually D.C.’s fault. Massive inflation due to the devaluing of the dollar by endless money printing? Nah. The uni-party and globalists attempting to force an unpopular dystopian commie “green new deal” on us? Nope. Ending fossil fuels? Nah. Trying to install a digital currency to “turn off” your livelihood if you post the wrong thing online? Heck no. According to Mr. Mark, none of that is happening. As a matter of fact, Mark says it’s all your fault for drinking booze and going on TikTok.

Mark Antonio Wright

What’s more, anyone who has ever listened to American music would recognize that Anthony’s raw, heartfelt anthem belongs to a rich vein of populist protest songs like those sung by the likes of Merle Haggard, Charlie Daniels, and Alan Jackson.

Sadly, based on this party-pooping, elitist critique, it appears that Mr. Mark Antonio Wright probably wouldn’t recognize a working-class man or a songwriter even if he were the only person in a lineup.