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A viral sensation is sweeping the Internet with a new song that’s capturing everyone’s attention. Dubbed a “populist” anthem or the latest “working man’s” theme song, this bluegrass melody is performed by the gifted young artist Oliver Anthony. Hailing from Farmville, Virginia, Oliver is not only a skilled musician but also an off-grid farmer, making his captivating tune and story a sensation that’s resonating with folks far and wide.

You don’t have love bluegrass to enjoy this anthem. It’s amazing.

National Pulse:

The bluegrass anthem is a condemnation of the Washington D.C.’s political establishment and the wealthy men who influence American politics who have left the working class behind. Anthony’s lyrics lament the skyrocketing suicide rate amongst men in America; the struggle of working Americans to make ends meet; and Washington’s penchant for sending money to aid in conflicts overseas before helping those most in need at home”

I’ve been selling my soul, working all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay. So I can sit out here, and waste my life away drive back home, and drown my troubles away. It’s a damn shame, what the world’s gotten to, for people like me and people like you.

Anthony’s chorus makes the song’s political message plenty clear:

These rich men north of Richmond, lord knows they all just wanna have total control. Wanna know what you think wanna know what you do. And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do. Because your dollar ain’t shit. And it’s taxed to no end because of rich men north of Richmond.

The heartfelt words and soulful passion expressed by Mr. Anthony resonates with a lot of folks. Judging by the impact of this song, it’s clear that he has a promising musical journey ahead of him.

The video has a massive 4.5 million views on YouTube, and counting.

It’s apparently now on Rumble, too.